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well currently i'm using a 8400GS so you can understand that why i need a new GPU :D


so what i want is a GPU with dualDVI and HDMI ports , which works OOB and works with dual display setup.


HDMI must be working


i can afford till $200-250


Thank You.

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GTX 660 Ti:




You will not be disappointed. 


here only the 2GB models are available ::: http://www.ebay.in/sch/i.html?_odkw=Asus+GTX660&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.XAsus+GTX660+TI&_nkw=Asus+GTX660+TI&_sacat=0


and they cost more than $425 a piece :(


please suggest some other model as i don't need it for any high-end usage like games and all.......i just want to watch 1080p movies thats it. :D

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