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u can use dsdt patch "AHCI orange icons" to use ESB2 in bios RAID mode aka AHCI in this board.


FYI, you dont need Orange ICon Fix for IDE mode. Simply because that fix is only for AHCI. And also, No need To change it to ESB2 by patching the DSDT nor using chameleon's module coz he is on IDE.

umm the lol is on you.. he has SATA HDD and ICH9 so it has AHCI disguised by dell bios as RAID.. this machine was made to be compatible with XP and VISTA no Service pack with missing AHCI ich 9 drivers back in 2006



he also has CMOS RESET due to Device (RTC) needs patch and AppleRTC in lion needs binary patch.. better use DSDT.


u done trollin yet ? :thumbsup_anim:

Exactly. RAID implies AHCI, so just leave it in RAID mode. ICH9R should work just fine but appear as "generic SATA controller".


A quick way to fix this (this is just a cosmetic fix) is to use the AHCIPortInjector.kext (google it) that used to come with Chameleon.


But the easiest way available is to use the SATA module that comes with Chameleon 2.2 (goes in /Extra/Modules), I have never used it but I believe it should take care of this and at the same time set the 'internal' property so drives get the proper icons.

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