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new InsanelyMac website idea


InsanelyMac , forum style, 95% not related to what I need, goog and bad mixed in, to much time to find relevant info,...


http://wiki.osx86project.org not updated, not current, not able to edit/contribute



suggestion for new structure:

add a subdomain to insanelymac osx.insanelymac.com

break it down into from os version

to hardware


- 10.4.9

- laptop

- apple

- macbook

- dell


- desktop

- hardware

- full spported cards

- firewire 400

- firewire 800

this should have links to direct online stores.

aka , somebody with an macbook pro, should be able to pull up the page,

and see a list of hardware , that's pertinant to him ,

incl, - extra driver download link,

- online stores


and that can be expanded for non apple hardware

maybe even add a linux section.



patches, should be one dmg,

with one clikc install

and also, be able to execute in shell

if needed with a -s boot

with a revert to original option


installs, per platform , aka laptop series,

to have an full image

once restored, that should be it.

and or a full patcher, per release.


for regular installs,

the options selected, should be stored in a text file , and feed back to a database


the hardware section, should be an sql database, that can be searched and cross referenced.


this could be done with moderators input,

till there is a way to open to public.

another idea for this section, could be the current user info page, to use that as a start point

should also have an storage section for patches at least.


what you think ?

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