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Hey everyone, first poster here in these forums :)


So here's the story. I magically managed to intsall OSX Mountain Lion with a HD 7870 in it. Everything seems to be working finely except one thing. The monitor cant really stretch the screen.




As you can see, the resolution is set to 1920x1080 but there's a slight black part left out on the right side. I know its pretty early to even ask for support for these cards, but I was wondering if i'm alone or anyone experienced anything like this with other nVidia or ATI cards.


One thing to note , that my monitor have been acting weirdly in the previous months even before the OSX install. Windows couldn't recognize the monitor properly. It sad something like that it's an unsupported PnP monitor and no 16:9 resolution was available by default so I had to add it manually in AMD control panel. Now in OSX the resolutions are recognized but cant stretch it properly.


Thanks for taking the time reading this !




Got black screen so yeah... Yepp im on 10.8.3. Im really starting to suspect that its the monitor. When i push the auto adjust button, its gets a weird vertical flickering.


Does it work in windows? Maybe you have some buttons on the monitor with you can change the ratio. You can try plug the HDMI cable in maybe your TV or a other monitor to look if it's the monitor.

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As I described , it kinda did and didn't. It recognized it as an unsupported pnp monitor and I had to manually enter the resolution on windows. I will give my TV a try tomorrow.


If that doesn't work it would probably be a bad HDMI cable

Well testted with the HD TV and the 1080i resolution worked just fine. Since the monitor is connected through a DVI port , its either that or the monitor itself. ( or bad cables ) Unfortunately I cant test that at the moment since I dont have a spare monitor at hand but i will definitely try getting a new cable. Thanks for all the help!

Is there a possibility to set the same 1920x1080 resolution, but with higher refresh rate? If yes, then you could try it. I have monitor which supports max 1920x1080@60Hz, but when I set it in OS X I have the same problem. However, if I set it to 1920x1080 and 75Hz, it works as 1920x1080@60Hz but full screen :)

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