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Good Day All,


I have an Intel® Desktop Board DH55HC with core i3 CPU. I have successfully installed Mountain Lion. The restart and shutdown works.


Following items are no go:

- Sleep

- Sound

Can anyone please provide me with the appropriate DSDT.


I am using

- Nvidia GT8800 with Graphic Enabler

- Using Airport wifi card.

Occasionally the OSX hangs and I need to do a hard reset, still unable to figure out why this happens.

Your help is sincerely appreciated.


Is the DSDT you uploaded the original (unchanged) one?


Here it is with fixed errors, warnings and some common patches. You will a tool to compile it, DSDT Editor for example.



Upload an ioreg dump (File -> Save As ..), I might be able to get audio started.


Which processor model have you got exactly?



i have already upload u dsdt...


sound never work native... applehda never work without modifications... mac don't use alc...


only say once DSDT it help , but is not GOD.. if u don't apply the necessary things to work... or u hope u have dsdt and u have a mac.. ?


good hack

  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you very much for your support.


i have i3 processor. The sound with DSDT will be helpful.


Can you please ensure the sleep works. I am using Moutain Lion and the system never sleeps, it tries to go to sleep, but the fans are all on and the system never wakes up.


Once again, thnak you very much.

Upload an ioreg dump with the instructions I posted earlier.


I'm afraid I can't help you with Sleep, it is usually hard to get it working and I got absolutely no experience with Intel boards.


Also artur-pt is right, don't post the same request in multiple threads; it won't help anyone.

As he said, you will still need a patched AppleHDA. DSDT alone is not enough.

Thanks for your feedback. I will make a note of not flooding the forum with similar request.


In regards to ioreg dump. I will do it later today as I am in office currently. i will appreciate if you can get teh DSDT fixed, i will also provide you exact info on the processor.

The details of my system are:




DH55HC - Intel Motherboard

8 GB RAM - 1333 Mhz

Intel core ™ i3 CPU 540 @ 3.07GHz

on board audio - Realtek ALC888S* audio codec


Attached in the file are,

  1. Snap shots of Bios
  2. Shots of hackinstoch system profile
  3. ioreg save as file

If possible please help me with the DSDT edit for:

  1. Sleep, restart and shutdown
  2. Audio for ALC 888S
  3. Power svaing or P and C states.

Intel DH55HC.zip

Thanks for the detailed information.



- Hyper-Threading: Enable (if you haven't got any specific reason to disable it)


Bootloader setting:

- Disable dropping of OEM SSDTs

- Disable generating P-/C-States


Switch to the attached DSDT, run this script and move the generated *.aml file to /Extra/SSDT.aml. Additionally upload it here, please. The script will generate the needed states for you.



I believe you will need to somehow switch to the native power management by removing the NullCPU kext from your Extra folder. But don't do it yet, you will need to figure out what you need to patch first. Maybe AppleACPIPlatform, I can't help you here I'm afraid.


For sound try the different AppleHDAs for ALC888 by toleda. The required DSDT edit is already inside the new DSDT in this post.


Thanks a lot for your quick response.


The new DSDT displays all the audio port in system profiler, which is a great achivment. Next question is where to I install the AppleHDA, in the Extra Folder or the S/L/E folder? Do I need any other suporting KEXT?


Can you be more specific as to how to run the script. When I click on the link, a webpage with multiple lines of codes opens up. Is there a program, I need to use to run the script?


Other than that, attached are the screen shots of complete BIOS, can you make recomendation as to which functionalities of BIOS must be enabled?


Save the content of the page in a new file named ssdt.sh for example. Make it executable with:

chmod +x <drag ssdt.sh into Terminal window>

Run it with ..

./<drag ssdt.sh into Terminal window>


The AppleHDA better goes into /S/L/E. Backup and replace the existing kext. No need for a supportive kext as "layout-id" is injected via DSDT already. Don't forget to install the kext properly.


You can disable the integrated GPU if you don't need it at "Primary Video Adapter" and enable SpeedStep + C-States if you get native power management working.

Can't thank you enough. Here is the status.


Audio is working perfectly fine.Installed the AppleHDA.kext to S/L/E folder, did the repair permission and wala all is good to go. Perfect 24 bit sound.


Deleted NullCPUPowerManagment.kext and the system still boots up and works.


In regards to SSDT.aml, no luck.


Copied the script file to notepad and saved it as SSDT.sh


Ran the script -

chmod +x <drag ssdt.sh into Terminal window>


nothing happened, the cursor moved to a next line



./<drag ssdt.sh into Terminal window>


Got bunch of errors. Please refer to attached terminal output - ssdt.sh terminal output.rtf


I do not have ssdt.aml file, can you please convert and provide me with one.

ssdt.sh terminal output.rtf

Still getting errors.




localhost:~ family$ chmod +x /Users/family/Desktop/SSDT.sh


localhost:~ family$ . /Users/family/Desktop/SSDT.sh

-bash: {rtf1ansiansicpg1252cocoartf1187cocoasubrtf370: command not found

-bash: /Users/family/Desktop/SSDT.sh: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `}'

-bash: /Users/family/Desktop/SSDT.sh: line 2: `{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}'


localhost:~ family$ cd ~/Desktop


localhost:Desktop family$ chmod +x SSDT.sh


localhost:Desktop family$ ./SSDT.sh

./SSDT.sh: line 1: {rtf1ansiansicpg1252cocoartf1187cocoasubrtf370: command not found

./SSDT.sh: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `}'

./SSDT.sh: line 2: `{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}'

localhost:Desktop family$

only drag the script in Terminal app and ENTER, or use this, copy and paste in Terminal



curl -o ssdtPRGen.sh https://raw.github.com/Piker-Alpha/RevoBoot/clang/i386/libsaio/acpi/Tools/ssdtPRGen.sh

chmod +x ssdtPRGen.sh


Thanks for stepping in.


I still get an error message:


localhost:~ family$ curl -o ssdtPRGen.sh https://raw.github.c...ls/ssdtPRGen.sh

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: raw.github.c...ls; nodename nor servname provided, or not known


When I copy the whole script the error message is:


Warning: Unexpected brandstring > "Intel® Core™ i3 CPU 540 @ 3.07GHz"

-bash: _getCPUDataByProcessorNumber: command not found

(ACPI 1.0 compliant)

Generating ssdt_pr.dsl for a MacPro5,1 [Mac-F221BEC8]

Unknown Core i3 processor [0x0901] setup

Number logical CPU's: 4 (Core Frequency: 3058 MHz)


Error: 'MaxTurboFrequency' must be in the range of 3058-5000... exiting




[Process completed]


Attached is the complete error log.

Erros - SSDT.txt

iFIRE thanks for helping.


When I run the script, following are the error messages.



sdtPRGen.sh v6.1 Copyright © 2013 by Pike R. Alpha


Warning: Unexpected brandstring > "Intel® Core™ i3 CPU 540 @ 3.07GHz"

(ACPI 1.0 compliant)

Generating ssdt_pr.dsl for a MacPro5,1 [Mac-F221BEC8]

Unknown Core i3 processor [0x0901] setup

Number logical CPU's: 4 (Core Frequency: 3058 MHz)


Error: 'MaxTurboFrequency' must be in the range of 3058-5000... exiting


localhost:~ family$


K3NNY, copied the full link, same error message





sdtPRGen.sh v6.1 Copyright © 2013 by Pike R. Alpha


Warning: Unexpected brandstring > "Intel® Core™ i3 CPU 540 @ 3.07GHz"

(ACPI 1.0 compliant)

Generating ssdt_pr.dsl for a MacPro5,1 [Mac-F221BEC8]

Unknown Core i3 processor [0x0901] setup

Number logical CPU's: 4 (Core Frequency: 3058 MHz)


Error: 'MaxTurboFrequency' must be in the range of 3058-5000... exiting

try this one, I test here and is working. , sory, the other url changed for this one




curl -o ssdtPRGen.sh https://raw.github.com/Piker-Alpha/RevoBoot/clang/i386/libsaio/acpi/Tools/ssdtPRGen.sh

chmod +x ssdtPRGen.sh



Make Your Own SSDT | rampagedev

iFire, no luck.


Error message:



sdtPRGen.sh v6.1 Copyright © 2013 by Pike R. Alpha


Warning: Unexpected brandstring > "Intel® Core i3 CPU 540 @ 3.07GHz"

(ACPI 1.0 compliant)

Generating ssdt_pr.dsl for a MacPro5,1 [Mac-F221BEC8]

Unknown Core i3 processor [0x0901] setup

Number logical CPU's: 4 (Core Frequency: 3058 MHz)


Error: 'MaxTurboFrequency' must be in the range of 3058-5000... exiting

iFire, no luck.


Error message:



sdtPRGen.sh v6.1 Copyright © 2013 by Pike R. Alpha


Warning: Unexpected brandstring > "Intel® Core™ i3 CPU 540 @ 3.07GHz"

(ACPI 1.0 compliant)

Generating ssdt_pr.dsl for a MacPro5,1 [Mac-F221BEC8]

Unknown Core i3 processor [0x0901] setup

Number logical CPU's: 4 (Core Frequency: 3058 MHz)


Error: 'MaxTurboFrequency' must be in the range of 3058-5000... exiting


Take a luck here:Make Your Own SSDT | rampagedev

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