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Today. I want to present new EFIbootloader called bareBoot. it made on the base of Clover. we can even say that it's little or mini Clover.
The developer is SunnyKI
Bareboot isn't able to do some things
1) Doesn't have GUI.
2) Cannot patch DSDT
3) Don't have pkg installer
4) Doesn't work with NVRam
5) Doesn't have VBIOS-patch
6) Doesn't work with "Extra(folder)"
7) Can't work with UEFI motherboards as extra boot module.
8) Can't work with MBR-Operating Systems such a Windows 8, Ubuntu etc.

The sourse code is here
BareBoot can be installed in two varians with the help of EDK scheme or with the boot sectore of Clover.
In the other words this bootloader exists in two variants
1)Efildr20 and Efildgpt(use XPC-prepare-tool if you wanna install it on the USB Stick)
2)boot(file)(use BDUtility.exe if you wanna install it on the USB Stick)
I'm going to improve this first page if it will be interesting to people.
For me only this version works (v1.00.21_BlokeIo)
Description of parameters

DropOemSSDT - takes SSDT-tables from bios
PMProfile - mends to FADT-table a profile of administration of power( On the ground of the key, Mobile=Yes, it is set up 2 otherwise it's 1)
PatchAPIC - adds the subtable of type 4(Local APIC NMI) to the table APIC (MADT)
The Local APIC NMI is experimental thing it doesn't mean that it will solve the problems with "Local APIC"(By defaulut it is No)
ResetAddress - is address of register of reset (By default, if native FADT-table is third revision (ACPI2.0) and its lenght correspond to this revision, then the native value remains without changing, elsewise it is set as 0x64)
ResetValue - is value, in which we write in reset's register for restart(By default it is as in the case of ResetAddress,
otherwise we should write 0xEF)
Here all should be understandable, But I should mark about some key.
Mobile - if it is Yes, so in the FADT will be prescribed PMProfile=2 otherwise, it will be 1, in the case if you don't specify about it
so it is taken from DMI-table kinda 3
CPUSpeedDetection - a method of detection of speed of processor, value (1 - calibration by TSC, 2 - from DMI, 3 - from BrandString, by default is - 1 - Very recommended value)
Turbo -by default is No
ProcessorType -choosing on the grounds of type of processor by default
QPI - has mean only for Nehalem-а, but if you write it in config.plist, it will be injected
CPUSpeedDetection = 2 or 3:
BusSpeedkHz - is not used by default
CpuFrequencyMHz -is not used by default
I think it is understood what for should we use it. it was made No by default
PCI - all of these parameters is set on No(don't use). However if you use strings in the DeviceProperties, it's atotomaticly turn off the other injectors which are conected with some of the equipment(which string is starting up)
Timeouts - is 0 by default

Hot keys

left SHIFT - Verbouse mode(-v)
left CTRL - Single mode (-s)
right CTRL - Safe mode (-x)
It's working separately and it's working in combination as well.
For instance, left_shift+rirht_ctrl means that loading wil be in Verbose mode + Safe mode

Default Boot and System-id




Here writing name of disk's partition, to load Mac OS X straight away.



We can get it with the aim of a variety of ways.
With the aim of Terminal

Last login: Fri May 17 14:09:47 on console

alex:~ admin$ uuidgen


alex:~ admin$ uuidgen


alex:~ admin$ uuidgen


alex:~ admin$

With the aim of any bootloader.
Assume that it will be XPC
Open ioregistryexplorer, click on IODeviceTree, and to find the system-id

Possible problem with sleep

I have ATI card. With USBInjection=Yes my graphics doesn't want to wake up.
With USBInjection=No my computer didn't wake up absolutely.
What I did.
I loaded my box with Clover. Launched DarwinDumper. And found device-properties.hex
After that I've done so at config.plist of bareboot








Problem was solved! :thumbsup_anim:



















Edited by Alex Auditore
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  • 2 weeks later...

Alex - it might be a good idea to outline why you think people would find bareBoot interesting to use! Could you outline some of the pros of using bareBoot?

Year, your right. Today I amplify my heading. But not completely. I am going to write about up it some more exactly else.

I think this bootloader will be useful for them who is a good hand at editing a DSDT. For minimalists, I think this bootloader is quite good and not only.

The purpose of this bootloader to accelerate speed of loading and to have "decent" abilities. It ought to load a little bit faster than Clover as it is smaller

Today this project has been developing almost or totally independently from Clover.

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are u the developer ?


why u post in developer if u are not the boot loader creator ...


good hack

Becuase bareBoot had created not today, and unfortunately no one has created topic for foreign audience.

And as you can see on the native land of this bootloader, proprietor of the Russian topic of bareBoot is GLXOZ, not SanKi


Actually I asked permesion from SunKi, he knows about what I did, and he didn't give me any objection.

It's not means if I created this thread that I neglect it. I will follow and update it. And will try not to disappointed over it.

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ok , but i think the proper place it was new releases.. hopping not equal xpc .


good hack

I afraid in this case topic can be lost and to go to bottom. And some people won't know about new bootloader.

But if you think that is really needed so I will be able to agree with you. And we can shift it to the part of "New Releases and Updates".

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Updated EFI-folder add 28 version.

Useful patches for me which allow to forget of repatching AMD500Controller and AppleHDA after each update.

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  • 1 month later...

Now, unfortunately it cannot work with UEFI motherboards as extra boot module. If only at legacy mode.

But if you like the bareBoot we can ask SunKi about it at any moment. Or I can do so as he like communicate at Russian forum applelife.ru in the main.


I am having some issues with Clover UEFI on my PC, so I wanted to give bareBoot a try, but since it does not work in UEFI mode then I think I will pass.

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  • 2 months later...

New versions were released.


Appeared DSDT-bin patching(It is under testing, the final version will be released soon)

Fix some problems with Graphics injections and added new abilities such CustomEDID and so on.

For V1.01.02

There is variant for HDD - it is necessary to install to EFI partition.

By default, USB driver doesn't load( but loads if we press Alt during loading to enter to interface of bootloader.

We must use the key DefaultBootVolume for correct working

For v1.01.04

Added ability to bring in data about RAM.

1. SPDScan  no loonger exists, Instead of that, we have NoSPDScan and it was moved from PCI-part of config to SMBIOS part. By the way SPD is Serial Presence Detect

If NoSPDScan=TRUE, SPD scanning is disabled.

2. There are three variants of doings.

 NoSPDScan = FALSE There is scan of SPD, if informition is found, then it is applied, if information is not found, that is taking from BIOS, if we have MemoryDevice, so, of course, we have correction of memory information as well

 NoSPDScan = TRUE information is taken from bios

 NoSPDScan = TRUE with MemoryDevices->information is taken from bios and corrects with consideration of MemoryDevices

Memory devices(possible vallues for the key of MemoryType)


If you have some problems or a feedback, please leave it at this topic.





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Hi Alex, i m trying this, i prepared usb stick with xlc tool and so on, but i have always only MBR start!! and nothing. There is some particular configuration? I have the same error also with XPC, maybe problem is "XPC prepare tool" ?

What is the structure of folders with this?

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Hi Alex, i m trying this, i prepared usb stick with xlc tool and so on, but i have always only MBR start!! and nothing. 

Hello. Try using  BDUtilty(only doing MBR sectores, after move bareBoots files).  For bootyou need Clover sectors. For Efildr20, you need XPC sectors.

There is some particular configuration? 

Yes. You should try either for ata or for Blocklo. One of them should work, I use Blocklo because the other version doesn't see my Mac disk.


What is the structure of folders with this?

You need to copy boot or Efuldr20(It's up to you but Efildr20 must load fater on an USBStick) with EFI folder(EFI-v1.01.02) to the root of a USB stick. Don't forget to replace DSDT by yours and edit config.plist

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now i have the "error loading user setting plist" but i think that plist is good, uhmm maybe too many compromises with this boot.. meanwhile i go to try xlc

I think here maybe some problem with memory devices, I also had that error. After simplification of SMBIOS part and started working.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Acer Aspire 8942G</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Part Component</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Apple Inc.</string>
<string>Apple Inc.</string>
<string>Not Specified</string>
<string>Apple Inc.</string>
<string>MacBook Pro</string>
<string>Part Component</string>
<string>Apple Inc.</string>
<string>OS X Test 1</string>
<string>-v -fakesmc-force-start</string>

I tried different combinations but always same error, my damned hp

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Hello. Sorry for a delay. Try this version. I attached my working config just in case but I don't recommend to use memory devices for the first time because, for example, if you choose wrong memory type it also leads to "error user settings plist".

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Acer Aspire 8942G</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>
		<string>Part Component</string>
		<string>Apple Inc.</string>


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Alex can you ask to dev to add mavericks lapic patch as in clover?  About nvram and other os, are there any news for possible future additions?


Strange that it's not possible boot other osx partitions, or it's that i read in op. Or do you know some workaround working with this bb?

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