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My neighbors where not at home all day. Their cat went to us, we are keeping it inside since then.

Now, we are living here since a month or so. We left a note in their mailbox, that the front door had been open all day, and we have their cat, lol :P


So, the neighbors are home now, at 2 am. I went trough the backyard, looked over the fence, light's where burning.

So i went around their fence, somehow we have a shared garden, and i knocked on the window. the guy on the couch, sitting in his underpants, was looking at me waving, and just turned his head.

I personally do not trust this.

I know Belgians are not about socializing, but if someone knocks on my door at 2 am, i would go for it.

Btw, i'm an idiot from the Netherlands, but i need some serious advice, do i need to call the police?

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You need to speak with my Belgian GF :P


We Dutch ring at the door at 3 AM for hamburgers or something.


But indeed, Belgians are calm, in my opinion to calm i would say. Not a single soul came out when i was at that door. (4pm)

Belgians are Walloons(French speaking), Flemish(Dutch speaking) and Germans. So different type of character.

As the French are talked about as : Paris, the French romance and the gastronomy with a beret and a stick bread, Walloons like to party and drink beer and are lazy, and they will open the door and invite you for a drink or food at any time of the day. Flemish are hard workers and beer drinkers and won't open the door at 3 AM but if you get the chance to know a Flemish guy, you will find a nice guy.


I have been living in Belgium for 53 years now, 30 years in Brussels (majority of French speaking), 23 years at the coast (Flemish speaking) .

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Mechelen, so the Flemish side of Belgium, do have a hard time adjusting, we Dutch are more direct and a bit more aggressive in our approach. And the French part bothers me the most, must be my German half :P


"Wow, you're from America? Do you speak American?" Same goes for Mexico etc :P

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As a side note, the funniest thing over here in the U.S. is when I get this question (hardly ever varies if asked):


"Wow you're from Belgian?? So like, do you speak Belgium then?"


And what about : "Wow you're from Belgium? and then, I know Belgium, it is France, right ?"

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Only thing i have heard so far from a tourist: "Belgium, is that a province of the Netherlands?"


Saw something on tv btw, seems the Flamish had an april fools joke, on the first of april, the news pronounced that the Flemish where independed on that day, as a country. The Walish went nuts, best joke ever :P

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That's true really, the French speaking TV in Belgium, they make a true false News showing that the Flemish has blocked the street between the Flemish and Walloons territories, so people had to change bus and tramrails to go from one side to the other, officials and politicians talking about the fresh independancy of the Flemish regio. Real panic storm the all country. People were upset it was a joke or it was not true ...

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