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Hey fellas/fellettes. I mingled with the OSx86 Project 4 years ago on my current system, although the computer ran great when it did, it would randomly restart and/or crash. I gave up and went back to Windows 7 since I was still gaming at the time. Fast forward four years, I have more iDevices, love OSX, and I'm looking to potentially get back into it, however I have a few questions...


1. Has stability issues been resolved with compatible hardware?


2. Is it possible to dual-boot win7/osx without using CD booters? Separate HDDs?


3. How does OSX take hardware changes such as video cards and CPU/RAM changes?


4. Can you run SLI?


I'm sure I have more questions somewhere but that's about it for now. My main thing is being able to dual boot for gaming and stability issues.


Thanks for the help!

Hardware is varying degrees of compatible. In desktop land there are some very compatible motherboards and video cards.

Yes it is possible to dual boot from 7 and OSX on the same HDD. Currently doing that.

Ram changes are no problem, haven't changed my CPU. DId go from hd4000 to 660ti no sweat.

DOn't think you can run SLI.

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