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many may ask which one is fatster ....well the answer is pretty clear ( i am assuming both run the same hard ware).. Runing as a server will load the system more due to those extra services like, ftp,arp,dns,firewall,smb and so on so... so how can os x server be any faster when you compare with the same machine.


some may come tell me turn off all the services lah ... but then what it the point of running a server version. those extra code taking up hardisk space for what ?


On the other system i run it as a server coz i needed ,dns, ftp, software updates, firwall, afp, qt streaming and smb service. os x server make setting like a piece of cake although you can instlall all those service in your stock os x and become server.


FYI, I bought and Macmini PPC and OS Server tiger... they have been servicing me well for years till harddisk space becomes an issues. tot of getting a Quad G5 but it would not serve my needs, on top of that you pay like hell.


Yes.. by now i had spend more if i just get a G5 mac but with the current setup ... i am more happy than buy a Quad G5...


having said that ... I hope they last me for year to come ... forgetting leo because they will be a birth pain period and i dun want to be in it like last time. I am not pro mac nor pro window... I am just a user.


Cheers !

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many may ask which one is fatster ....well the answer is pretty clear ( i am assuming both run the same hard ware).. Runing as a server will load the system more due to those extra services like, ftp,arp,dns,firewall,smb and so on so... so how can os x server be any faster when you compare with the same machine.


some may come tell me turn off all the services lah ... but then what it the point of running a server version. those extra code taking up hardisk space for what ?


On the other system i run it as a server coz i needed ,dns, ftp, software updates, firwall, afp, qt streaming and smb service. os x server make setting like a piece of cake although you can instlall all those service in your stock os x and become server.


FYI, I bought and Macmini PPC and OS Server tiger... they have been servicing me well for years till harddisk space becomes an issues. tot of getting a Quad G5 but it would not serve my needs, on top of that you pay like hell.


Yes.. by now i had spend more if i just get a G5 mac but with the current setup ... i am more happy than buy a Quad G5...


having said that ... I hope they last me for year to come ... forgetting leo because they will be a birth pain period and i dun want to be in it like last time. I am not pro mac nor pro window... I am just a user.


Cheers !


BTW.. I want to thank those who had help 1 way or the other... jas, kiko, ramjet, max and many others could not rememener.. AND I DUN KNOW THEM AT ALL AND HAVE YET TO SEE ME FACE TO FACE ... lol !


cherrs !

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