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Hi guys, I have my audio working on my hackintosh laptop, but when I change the system slider the volume doesn't change. I have tried the "VoodooHDAVolumeFixChange" from false to true, but that just disables it and I have no sound at all. I then use VoodooLoader and it loads fine and works again but the slider still doesn't work with the "VoodooHDAVolumeChangeFix" in effect. is there any other solutons for the volume slider? I am running mountain lion 10.8.2. Thanks :D

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Can you provide some more information about your system?

What audio chipset do you have?


Thank you.

Acording to windows in 'dxdiag' it just says "HD AUDIO" and in device manager it says "High Defination Audio Device" im presuming its using the sound from my graphics card which is an IntelHD 3000. Thanks


just put your rig...as we have below..

are you using hdmi?



hi, erm, what do you mean by rig? and also yes I am trying to no video/audio through hdmi yet that is another thing I need to solve but at the moment im just concentrating on the system slider for just when im using the laptop speakers still nothing yet tho :(



I mean the model of your laptop....


mybe you need to edit .plist of voodoohda... putting the device id...


I use voodooHDA v2 2.8, as I use it with a tv (HDMI),I can only use the volume of the tv...seems no volume on slider...

you may need to play with "input gain" at "voodoohda" at "preferences"


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