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Hi guys Im new on here and to a non Apple HW mac but do have 2 genuine macs in the house, i had a old Dell Vistro 220s, Core Duo 2hgz with 2gb ram and OB graphics, iv got ML installed and working with ###### and ###### however was getting very slow response from certain parts of osx, launchpad would lockup for a minute or two and i believe it was due to the graphics struggling as everything else was flying,


iv acquired a 1gb Geforce 210 card which i believe is compatible with ML and have installed it however it begins to boot as normal, i get the apple logo then it sits there for a minute or so and it then kiils the feed to the monitor and i get no signal then it goes into stanby, the computer continues to boot as i can see the disk light flashing, if i remove the card and boot from the OB graphics im fine again.



any ideas of what is causing this before i flatten it and start from scratch again


thanks in advance

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I have 3 gt210 SL..one zotac, one gigabyte,and the other one don't remember...


I have qe/ci,...quicktime works,superior bar translucid, aqua effect when add a item on dashboard, and HDMI with voodoo 2.7.4..(only tried on the zotac)

I used only GE=yes, and npci=0x2000...


if I boot with safe mode I get a very slow launchpad...the same if I put something at device properties on boot.plist...and and on "about this mac " no ?openCL"..never tried nvidia drivers as Rampage Dev ..mybe I could get openCL to work

this is my experience..


Boot with -v and report the results. Also please be sure to install Nvidias retail drivers.


thanks for the response, iv installed the Nvidia retail drivers but get installation failed when its finished, iv tried booting with -v and its gets to PCI Configuration begin and sits there for about 30 seconds then the monitor rests to no signal and turns off.


rite if i boot with npci=0x3000 i get passed that and then it sits at [iObluetoothhHCIController][start] then does the same reset of the screen

Thanks for the responses guys, a slight change, in the time iv started from scratch and reinstalled ML from scratch with the new card installed, all went fine and got to the desktop info was showing thet the card was recognised as the 210 1gb , i then installed MB and rebooted and now iv got the same problem, wont boot and restt the monitor.


Iv tired booting with GraphicsEnabler=No but that did not help.

Update, i did this on the new build

boot whit -s

mount /


mkdir /NVDAbackup


cp -R /System/Library/Extensions/NVDA*.* /NVDAbackup


rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/NVDA*.*


sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Caches/*


shutdown -R now



it did boot but took forever and OSX did not recognise the card, it showed it as

unknown with 3mb ram,



i had installed it with easy beast, reading it does not install graphics drivers so could it be the ones in chimera ?

Rite im back, installed using methods on this site and am having the same problem if i remove

Org.chameleon.Boot.plist from extra from singe user mode i can boot with the usb stick into osx but if i add it it just resets the monitor, i have tried it all no options selected in the wizard


but it still just resets the monitor


Any ideas

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