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10.6.8 Snow Leopard

AMD Phenom II 3.4

GA- 8800GM-UD2H

Radeon HD5700

4gb Ram


I have Snow leopard install in my amd hackintosh and everything works great. Sound, Video,internet etc. The only thing is that i whenever i try to open smcFanControl or Istats i get a kernel panic. If anyone can point me to on the right direction that would be great. Thank you.

http://cl.ly/3b1c3e313v2d0b2y3a0i use this be shure u delete old FakeSmc + and plugins before !


than install using Kext Utility !


FYI : in this Download the Plugins dont belong into the fakesmc


they go inside S/L/E besides the FakeSMC


after that istats should work fine



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http://cl.ly/3b1c3e3...2d0b2y3a0i��use this be shure u delete old FakeSmc + and plugins before !


than install using Kext Utility !


FYI : in this Download the Plugins dont belong into the fakesmc


they go inside S/L/E besides the FakeSMC


after that istats should work fine





10.6.8 Snow Leopard

AMD Phenom II 3.4

GA- 8800GM-UD2H

Radeon HD5700

4gb Ram


Akimoa, Can you go into detail on how to install the New Fakesmc.kext and its plugins.


I tried to install the plugins on /System/Library/Extensions with Kext Utilities but it was not successful. Something about code source not copied. I also tried to to put them there manually and i got something about wrong installation (seemed like they did't belong there I don't know). I tried to look for the old Fakesmc.kext to delete it but i was not able to find it. Is it on the /Extra folder because i dont't seem to find it. Is it hidden. Also you mentioned to make sure to delete the old plugins from the old fakesmc where do i find those plugins.Thanks.


*I just want to be able to use SmcFanControl and Istats without getting a kernel Panic. Thanks in advance for anyone that can help me out.

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