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I am stuck with several aspects of my Hackintosh. I think some of the questions are real FAC questions


1. I'm trying to get the HD3000 graphics to work. I have several graphics kexts labelled H3000,

AppleIntelHDgraphics, etc, etc

- Is newer most likely better (I can see the revision in the plist file ?

- Should I remove the ones which seem not necessary like HD4000 or GMA350 next on my

HD3000 equipped system (can I just add extension .old to disable them?

- After modifying I understood the I have to clear caches, must I also reboot ?

- What is the advantage of using the /Extra directory instead of the

/System/Library/Extensions directory ?


2. What is "better" using kexts or obtaining a more complete dsdt file. It seems that the dsdt file

is just a configuration file to make mac OS use the specific hardware I have


3. I tried to boot with -v, but the printouts pass by too fast. Is there a boot switch to make pauses,

boot -v ! more ?


4. I tried to download (and pay for) Mountain Lion, but the App store just goes back saying

"come back later". What is this? Am I forced to piracy ?

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update in u profile u signature with u hardware, something like i have in final my answer.


about the system kext, only the ones identified by u hardware are loaded


the /Extra is where u keep the smbios.plist file and org.chameleon and dsdt.aml


all kext in s/l/e to use KernelCache to accelerate the boot process


-v wait=yes


see and read this




good hack

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