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My hackintosh contains a ssd drive and a hdd sata.

I wanted to change my home folder setting to put it in my sata hdd.

I followed the procedure I read : went to preferences, users, and changed the folder.

Lion asked me to reboot but just when I did it, I noticed I've lost I my preferences : I mean all my dock settings, my toolbar plugins (like IStats), etc....


Furthermore, Lot of my apps can't launch anymore (displaying writting errors and weird stuff)....


Where are saved the users settings ? (which folder) ?


Do you have an Idea to get back all my setting ?


Thank you in advance



Hum this not really encouraging.


Well I'm gonna try to put the original folder back. Let's see what's going to happen


Well what you suggested Fantomas WORKED ! So my home folder is the initial one, I'll try to do it again, but I will do it while I'm logged as root.

Let's see what happens...


Well, I tried again without no result ! I also tried different folder and its the same, for each new folder all the user settings are lost (dock content, etc.....)


do you think this is the normal behavior ? Do I miss something ? ....

Well, No way to get it working, So I decided to get back to my home folder and just create symlinks to my home folder directories (Pictures, Downloads, etc....)

This work perfectly... I hope that will be enough for my use (I know I should be more organized with my files ! :wink2: :wink2: )


Read lnx2mac's blog post regarding this topic for some more insight: http://lnx2mac.blogs...-partition.html


What I like to call "The poor man's RAID" :) In some ways it can out perform a traditional RAID-0 since system files are usually small, fast random read speeds can be very important to the OS's speed, where RAID-0 is fast at everything except random read speed for small files

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