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Who help me to please get my Nvidia GT 540 M


I've tried everything, but I can not get this to work the Nvidia Gt 540 M on my laptop.

Would you Like give me a hand please?

I'm desperate


These are the attributes of my NTB :


DSDT and




Vendor Id :10de

Tipo: GPU

Bus: PCIe

Larghezza Lane PCIe: x16

Fornitore: NVIDIA (0x10de)

ID dispositivo: 0x0df4

ID revisione: 0x00a1

Informazioni su estensione Kernel: No kext loaded

for your card work, need all kexts NV in S/L/E and GraphicsEnabler=Yes in your boot.plist and see in terminal app your PCIRootUID for your card if is 0 or 1 with this terminal command



ioreg -l | grep -15 "AppleACPIPCI" | grep "_UID"


In the file









edit: your card not work in ML , this work in 10.7 Lion see here: http://www.osx86.net/view/2552-gt_540m_kext.html

  • 2 weeks later...

I tried DSTS from the Wiki of this NTB which is very similar to my ntb






Nvidia Graphics card works.

But I have this problem:

HDMI output works with Nvidia GT 540 M and the internal monitor of NTB see only gray with vertical lines.


I think if you gave me a hand I might be able to improve my Hack

hoping that someone will help me I continue to post my progress .


I tried the DSTS on this wiki and saw that the two video cards are recognized and work,

the only problem is the screen of the portable video all full of gray lines caused by Pach duall-Link in DSTS that I am not able to remove.


I think the solution for poratili Samsung Series RF & RC resides nell'inniettare the card through DSTS, which I'm not able to do

This solution according to me you could also apply Asus laptops.


I hope I get a little help from your


-a further consideration I noticed that change the SMBIOS from MacBook Pro 8.1 to MacBook Pro 8.3 both cards are recognized by default even if I do not load any kext nvidia card

  • 2 weeks later...

INSTALL this two kexts with Kext Wizard/RepairPermissions/RebuildCaches/reboot

first backup yours kexts





INSTALL this two kexts with Kext Wizard/RepairPermissions/RebuildCaches/reboot

first backup yours kexts





I was able to extract a DSDT from my computer where there is also the nvidia gt 540M


I used the Kext mountain lion NVDAGF100Hal.kext



the problem is that after initializing NVDAGF100Hal.kext the system goes into kernel panic for GforceMonitor....


So I tried again with the kext that you have posted.

the system starts but i have gray screen





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