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I've installed snow leopard on my dell inspiron 1520.

Started with iatkos s3 v2, then update to 10.6.6.

Almost all works great, original 10.6.0 kernel, x64.

The problem is with my lid, when i close it, laptop display still on, do nothing. And sleep doesn't work(display turns black, and stay that way...), i'm working on it now. But the problem with the lid is strange..anyone know a fix?




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don't work. that's the stept i did:

dsdt editor > file > extract DSDT > Patch > Open > select patch file > Apply > Close > then IASL > Compile > Fix error (there were some, some are left i think) > again IASL > Save AML as > DSDT.aml and then replace the one from root with the saved one.

Is there something wrong with the stept i take? (i fallowed a tutorial found on dsdt editor forum page)

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