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HI there


I hope one of you can help me because after 3 days of working on this I am now out of options, tried forum search but nothing


I have an Intel DG45ID with 4GB of RAM and Core2Duo 2.66MHz CPU


I have been trying to get Mountain Lion or indeed Lion on this with limited success, I can get a booting Lion install if I use the inbuilt GMA graphics however as soon as I plug in a PCIe Graphics card it instantly stops booting and hangs on [PCI configuration begin].


The inbult graphics are unsupported GMA x4500hd


I have tried playing with just about every boot option, I have tried installing with iatkos l2, ###### and myHack


I created a custom DSDT by booting into windows and patched it figuring it had to be something to do with the BIOS but no joy


npci=0x2000 and npci=0x3000 dont work


rolled back IOPCIFamily.kext and AppleACPIPlatfrom.kext from 10.6.7 again with no joy


have tried with three sperate graphics cards 1 ATI and 2 nvidia same result



any ideas? Am I missing something simple?

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What are you using for a graphics card? The 8400? Seems to me with a working good DSDT file, you should be ok. I scanned the forums and there are plenty of builds with that motherboard that worked on Snow Leopard or Lion, so I suggest you check out those threads first and see what they did to fix their problems.

  • 1 year later...

I know that this topic is two years old, but I figured I would add what I did; just in case someone stumbles on this like I did. I used " -v PCIRootUID=1 npci=0x2000 " boot flags in that order (without the quotes) Otherwise it wouldn't boot at all.

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