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Hi all,

i've recently installed (after many stressing days ...) Hazard 10.6.2i on my Pavilion DV6 3322EL


Microprocessor 2.66 GHz Intel Core i5-480M

Microprocessor Cache 3 MB L3 cache

Memory 6 GB DDR3

Memory Max Upgradeable to 8 GB DDR3

Video Graphics AMD Radeon HD 6550M (1 GB DDR3)

500 GB SATA (7200 rpm)


I've got the following issues. Any help would be really appreciated.


1) Currently booting via ###### with the following flags: "busratio=20 cpus=1 platform=ACPI GraphicsEnabler=No -f -x"

Is it possible to avoid all of this any time via ######, or to avoid that chameleon gets stucked? Wasn't able to fix DSDT for the booloader or add any flags on the com.apple.Boot.plist file.


2) Can't install voodooHDA.kext: downloaded, copied in system/library/extension folder, installed via osx86 Tools Utility and an other kext tool, but there's just no sound icon in the top bar or in the System Preferences

Same problem with IO80211 Family Kext (wi-fi) and RadeonHD kext


3) Minor issues: as i wasn't able to edit the boot flags on com.apple.Boot.plist file, i'm not able to set any other screen resolution. I also still don't have sleep option (as i removed the sleepenabler kext) and i got problems installing ntfs 3g for mac (says can't boot MacFUSE)


Thank you very much for any help

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For the video card i solved just adding dev id and vendor id to the info.plist file of the ati*numberofyourvga*controller.kext in the string "iopcimatch". make a try.

For the audio, make sure you have the last kext of voodoohda. if not, download it, then erase the previous version and install yours. try also to add dev and vendor id in the same way as the video kext.

for the boot.plist, download and install the last chameleon release (http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=231075), that will add the file org.chameleon.boot.plist in /Extra. This is the new com.apple.boot.plist, so you can delete the old file, and edit this new one with textedit. if you can't just do it from there, drag it to desktop, edit and drag it back to /extra, overwriting it.


hope you solve.

you have just to serach, search and then search with google for the good kexts, a new version may be not good, and an old one may run : )

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