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I've managed to install Lion 10.7.2 on my PC, and upgraded to 10.7.4. Everything works perfectly. But during boot, I get the following error:


ntfs_fixup: magic doesn't match


I get this 3 times. This is before the Chameleon boot screen, then after I get:


Errors occured during the boot process (or something like that)

Pausing 5 seconds...


Then it boots normally.


I don't mind it, but I'm worried why this is happening.


I'm using Tuxera NTFS to read/write on my 2x1 TB NTFS drives I had with Windows 7, but the data on there is valuable & roughly 1900 GB in total so I can't transfer to another machine and format them.


I dont' want to risk losing the data on those, however, I feel like it won't. Am I safe?


What should I do?



EDIT: I've also already googled this, however, I can't seem to find a post(s) that show steps to solve and comments where people have successfully done this.

  • 10 months later...

I've had this problem for quite some time and intermittently before that. i have asked about it and looked for solutions as well as what it really means numerous times and have never really turned up much of anything concrete.

Although it certainly does not seem to be indicative of anything serious. Actually it has something to do with Chameleon's code (as there are certain versions which don't show the error), it also can be triggered (or possibly is always triggered) by using the functions to either rename or hide certain partitions in the Chameleon's .plist file.


I wish I could find more, and the 5 second pause is annoying. But my advice is to just ignore it. In about 5 years I've never had a problem with any data on my NTFS disks that seems to be at all related to this message.

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