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Hello friends,


tried to find how can I add native VESA mode to my GT 220. But do not know the HEX coding.

Got this card working very nice in my hack but this is missing.


I tried Graphics Mode in boot.plist, changing also theme.plist none is working as because my card do not have 1920x1080 mode.


I would like to have native resolution right from the from bootloader...


Can someone help me modify my bios to 1920x1080 mode? http://dl.dropbox.co...15463/GT216.rom will send any other info from my system.


Thank you,

Yes lots of people have successfully done that, which you will see if you read the thread. You should have posted there instead of starting a new thread - you have a much better chance of getting help that way.


I don't know if you did it right, but if you read the thread you'll see that that method doesn't always work no matter what you do.


On some video cards you'll have more VESA modes available if you use the VGA output, while the DVI (or HDMI) output is limited to a few modes - so it would seem that even if you can successfully add a new VESA mode in some cases it will only be available on the VGA output...which most modern cards don't even have...and why would they.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but IMO this depends on the boot loader. Chameleon has an auto resolution module (Resolution.dylib) to handle the proper resolution in VESA mode. At least the version I use has it (it is quite an old version though). One should put the module to /modules folder (which should be in the same place as /Extra folder is). Different chameleon versions may or may not contain the above module. Even different versions of the module may or may not work properly with the same hardware.

I forgot about the module system because I don't use it..the modules come with the source code download so if you compile your own you'll already have the appropriate version.


Do you mean to say that the resolutions module can patch in a VESA mode on the fly? If so that's pretty cool.


Doesn't the modules folder go inside the extra folder and not in the same place as the extra folder?

Do you mean to say that the resolutions module can patch in a VESA mode on the fly? If so that's pretty cool.
Yes something about it.
Doesn't the modules folder go inside the extra folder and not in the same place as the extra folder?


More info:


  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys, so I managed this "my way" as Resolution.dylib tip from you did not work and patching the bios was also not successfull from my side...



After searching around the forum...


1. I used Nibitor to modify my GT220 bios in Boot Settings, I have checked "Non-Native Panel Control" and flashed it via nvflash


2. Then I modified this theme a bit http://dl.dropbox.com/u/34515463/Leopard_Server.zip to have black background. This theme looks like Mac login screen with black backgound, I also have to use non-legacy apple boot picture from this theme


3. I also modified chameleon apple boot to have black background instead of grey with:


sudo - s


perl -pi.bak -e 's;\xff\xff\xff\xbf\xbf\xbf;\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00;g' boot


Finaly I have beautiful boot till the system starts with 1920x1080 resolution


Small disadvantages:

1. bios post and bios settings is small 640x480 and centered in the screen (but trully how ofthen do I go to bios?)

2. Theme is still not in 1920x1080 it is my VESA max 1280x1024 (but is 1:1 pixel and centered in the screen without any bars)

3. I cannot see circle progress icon on apple boot


Maybe this could be usefull somehow for someone... Bye

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