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Hi guys,


I bought a second hand PC with a hackintosh. It's Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2. I need to upgrade into at least 10.7.3 but not sure if I can go forward to update from apple (offering 10.7.4).


My question is: Can I uprade diretly or should I prepare my system first?


Please see in attachment My hackintosh's info. Tell me if you need further informations.



Informations matériel :


Nom du modèle: Mac Pro

Identifiant du modèle: MacPro3,1

Nom du processeur: Intel Core i7

Vitesse du processeur: 2,93 GHz

Nombre de processeurs: 1

Nombre total de cœurs: 4

Cache de niveau 2 (par cœur): 256 Ko

Cache de niveau 3: 8 Mo

Mémoire: 12 Go

Vitesse d’interconnexion du processeur: 4.8 GT/s

Version de la ROM de démarrage: muultibeast.tonymacx86.com

Version SMC (système): 1.30f3

Numéro de série (système): G88xxx235J4

UUID du matériel: C9B395E8-EB2D-5184-A3E5-4D5AEE4YYYA2



All that your information reveals is the model identifier (MacPro3,1), the CPU and that OS X was installed using some software from TonyMac (discussion of which is banned here). None of that information can be used to determine whether or not it will survive an update.


It comes down mostly to two things, how compatible your motherboard and its on-board hardware (LAN, sound) is, and how OS X has been patched to work with it.


If you don't know anything about that, you're going to have to find out. Installing OS X on a PC is a hobby, it's not a way for someone who aren't interested in how things work to get a Mac on the cheap. At least, if it breaks, you get to keep all the pieces.


That said, updating will *probably* work but you might lose sound for example. This can be fixed but again, how to do that depends on how it has been made to work to begin with.

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