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hi all,


i seem to have problems with USB audio.

I tried different USB Ports on my rig, also i used 2 different usb-audio devices (C-Media and a terratec aureon) which work fine on my macbook.

For example during videos (VLC) or when using Voip (X-Lite) i hear crackling noises at radom times and every now and then USB audio starts to fail completely (audio and mic).

When I restart the applications, everything works, sometimes i also need to unplug the usb audio adapter and plug it back in.


I have a Asus P5L-MX mainboard, and in 10.5/10.6 i used an alternative IOPCI family kext, which was supposed to fix "minor usb issues", according to the HCL. This kext does not seem to work in 10.7.4, i get instant kernel panics on boot.


Can anyone point me a way to fix this?


thanks in advance!!


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hi all,


i seem to have problems with USB audio.

I tried different USB Ports on my rig, also i used 2 different usb-audio devices (C-Media and a terratec aureon) which work fine on my macbook.

For example during videos (VLC) or when using Voip (X-Lite) i hear crackling noises at radom times and every now and then USB audio starts to fail completely (audio and mic).

When I restart the applications, everything works, sometimes i also need to unplug the usb audio adapter and plug it back in.


I have a Asus P5L-MX mainboard, and in 10.5/10.6 i used an alternative IOPCI family kext, which was supposed to fix "minor usb issues", according to the HCL. This kext does not seem to work in 10.7.4, i get instant kernel panics on boot.


Can anyone point me a way to fix this?


thanks in advance!!



IOUSBFamily.kext rollback!!!!

sure, i forgot to tell. i already kicked out the faulty IOPCIFamily.kext and reinstalled the original one. everyhing is running fine againt, except for my usb audio, which has the problem i explained. where can i find an alternate iousbfamily.kext to give it a try? thanks!!



UPDATE: Found it! I´ll give it a try!

UPDATE2: Looks good so far, i´ll keep testing! Thanks for that! I´ll give a feedback tomorrow after a few hours testing!

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