Ninno Posted May 15, 2012 Share Posted May 15, 2012 Ciao a tutti, ho seguito alla lettera questa breve guida per il portatile in oggetto : Distribution : iATKOS S3 V2 - 10.6.3, Updated directly to 10.6.8 using OFFICIAL APPLE 10.6.8 COMBO UPDATE When installing iATKOS S3 V2, be sure to check the following customizations: ""iATKOS S3 Main System"" Bootloader DON'T CHANGE OR CHECK ANYTHING EXTRA (LEAVE AS IS) ""Bootloader Options"" 32-Bit boot Ethernet Patches Keep the checked options but add the following: EVOReboot DON'T CHECK SleepEnabler IF YOU WANT TO UPDATE TO 10.6.8 Drivers - Main Hardware SATA/IDE: INTEL SATA/IDE Sound: Voodoo HDA PS/2: Voodoo PS/2 CPU Power Manager: Voodoo P-State Laptop Hardware: Battery, Card Reader NTFS-3G: CHOOSE IF YOU HAVE NTFS HARD DISKS OR PARTITIONS YOU MAY WANT TO READ VGA: DON'T CHOOSE ANYTHING HERE. IF IT DOES NOT WORK THEN CHOOSE THE FOLLOWING: INTEL, EFI string, Natit, GMA x3100, Framebuffer Network: Wired= Realtek (CHECK ALL) I choose something extra which are the BROADCOM Wireless drivers as my original Intel 3495 A/B/G did not work, so i swapped in an old broadcom wireless adaptor into the laptop's motherboard. I CHOOSE ALL OPTIONS IF YOU HAVE THE SAME BROADCOM Hardware. When instal is finished Download kext utility from the internet and let it run, it will repair permissions and such. DO THIS EVERY TIME YOU UPDATE OR INSTALL A KEXT. Download the following bluetooth driver for builtin bluetooth: After extracting just drag and drop into kext utility to install. It will ask for password. Restart when done. Download the OFFICIAL APPLE 10.6.8 combo update to update to 10.6.8 and install. Restart after finish. Done!!! Welcome to your hackintosh!! Issues You might get issues with the wireless Intel 3495 A/B/G. THERE IS ONLY ONE SOLUTION, which can only connect to unencrypted wifi, which is useless these days. REAL SOLUTION: Get a $10 wifi dongle or a PCI card that fits into the laptop. The original card is under the keyboard, you have to remove the top plastic bar to reveal the screws. There you will find the Intel 3495 A/B/G which can be replaced by a compatible adaptor. Display issues too might be encountered. Try the options i enlisted above if the first fails. Connect a second display to try out your computer or at least change the kexts. Sleepenabler.kext doesn't work with 10.6.8, so you have to install the new sleepenabler from here [36], and then installing the new legacy kernel from the same link. Funziona tutto perfettamente anche il wifi, il mio è atheros. Ma non mi funzionano le porte usb. Come posso fare ? Ho notato che se collego ad esempio un mouse esterno a pc spento, viene visto dal sistema ma appena lo scollego e lo ricollego non funziona più. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NikitoX Posted May 15, 2012 Share Posted May 15, 2012 Non lo so te,ma qua non is ricevono risposte ne negative ne positive,ma chi lo gestisce sto forum un Pigro? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ninno Posted May 15, 2012 Author Share Posted May 15, 2012 Faccio prima a risolvere da solo. Ho reinstallato selezionando anche le varie USB fix e ora funziona. Non ho ancora fatto l'update alla 10.6.8, speriamo non smetta di funzionare.... Manca solo la webcam ed è perfetto. La rileva ma non la accende, resta nera Come non detto appena installo la 10.6.8 non mi funzionano più le usb. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ninno Posted May 15, 2012 Author Share Posted May 15, 2012 Sono riuscito a risolvere in parte facendo questo : L’aggiornamento del Combo sostituirà la IOUSBFamily.kext. Per ripristinare la piena funzionalità USB su un sistema non-DSDT o [url=""]#####[/url] installare USB Rollback utilizzando ###### prima del riavvio. Stranamente ora anche la web cam funziona, ma sulle usb funzionano solo i mouse non le penne e i dischi esterni Funziona !!!! Ho re-installato IOUSBMassStoreageClass.kext !!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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