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Hey guys, I've found something very interesting. On the official EFi-X support forums, I see that the latest version can directly boot the Apple Lion thumb drive. Also, InstallESD.dmg restored to a flash drive. No BaseSystem.dmg or anything like that needed. I'm wondering how they do it. I don't need this, but I would like to find out how. Here it is: http://forum.efi-x.com/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=8004

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Here's the deal:


You can use just InstallESD.dmg w/out EFI-X anyway (InstallESD.dmg does contain BaseSystem.dmg, after all), but it's easier to do the BaseSystem.dmg because, if you just use InstallESD what it will do is when you boot it, it will copy all the source files onto the destination and then reboot to finish the installation. Fine on real Macs, but on hacks that's just another reboot that we like to avoid. So, no magic really (BaseSystem.dmg is what part of the support files it copies are from), but simply ease of use when you do the BaseSystem restore method.


Hope this helps. :)

Another thing: So could I use it? I know it's preferred to use the BaseSystem.dmg method, but CAN I use the Apple Store Thumb Drive (AKA InstallESD.dmg) for a Hackintosh? I've tried using my own Chameleon USB stick to boot it, but it just kernel panics. My hackintosh thumb drive installer boots fine.

Yes, but...


When you make your DVD/USB installer, once it's done copying the support files then you will have to boot your installer again, but then select your HDD you are installing Lion onto. Then after it's done, you will have to do that again.


Personally, when faced with the option of doing that or just booting the DVD/USB installer once and being done with it, I would choose the latter. :)

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