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Hey everyone, I'm new to the community but I've been trying lately to install a Mac OS X on my computer. I tried Hazard 10.6.6 and iDeneb v1.3 and 10.5.5. I managed to get iDeneb working properly on my computer but when I finally got to log in I couldn't connect to the internet, as soon as I went into my system preferences I only had FireWire on the left side panel. I tried connecting to my internet WiFi anyways by filling out the DHCP, and so on. When I pressed connect nothing happened. Then I took out my ethernet cable and plugged it back in, as well as my router. At the installation of the Mac I have chosen the following items which did work(First combination out of 30 that worked).


-Kernel SpeedStep


-All my drivers (ATI, Network, etc)


These are my following specs of my computer + model:

(Link for extra information you may want to know: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/product?cc=us&lc=en&dlc=en&product=3385416)

-HP Pavilion m8010y-

•2 GB Ram DDR2

•Intel Core 2 CPU 6600 @2.40 GHz Duo

16X DVD(+/-)R/RW 12X RAM (+/-)R DL LightScribe SATA

•ATI Radeon HD 4670

•MXX, SSE (1, 2, 3, 3S) EMG4T, UT-X

Bus Speed 266.7 MHz

Chipset Intel P965/G965

•Network Specs:

INTEL 82566DC Gigabit Network Connection

NETGEAR 108 Mbps Wireless PCI Adapter WG311T


That's most of the things I think you need to know. It would be great if you would take the time and look it over, and help me choose a good version of an OSx86. Suggestions and questions are highly welcome as well. Btw the Hazard 10.6.6 didn't work for me, and I've tried to mess with the configurations numerous times.

I personally would recommend a retail installation of Snow Leopard. They are far more stable. :)


For a good newbie guide I have one in my signature.

Thanks for responding PookyMacMan, although as you said to install a retail Snow Leopard. I went to search for it and I couldn't find a ISO version of it, only the version that's compatible with an actual Mac computer. Plus the link in your signature doesn't work :/

Of course, the version compatible with Macs is the one to use. :) All the other ones are totally hacked and messed up. Retail (a.k.a. actual Mac install disc) can be installed on PCs, too; in fact it's recommended. All you need is a boot CD, which I have in my guide. BTW, the link works fine on my end...try it again. If not I'll give you a direct link.

Oh well I have one which is the Mac OS X Lion, and when I boot it up it doesn't work. Simply says I'm missing some files in it and all I did was use dmg2img and converted it so I can burn it to a DVD. Plus yeah it works perfectly fine, I guess my internet was just not working properly yesterday. Imma go read the guide and see how well I understand it because I'm not very aware how all this works quite yet.

-Thank you very much for helping me!

Alright after I read that I know what I was doing wrong. I was using a higher version because it is a Mac OS X "Lion". Although I don't have any DVD's left because I spent so much time burning Hacked OSx86 distro's that I ran out. So I will go out probably tomorrow and get some. I will burn the later OS X, the leopard and ModCD. Plus I had a lot of those steps figured out because I know that the Drivers are like the brain to the body, you need them in order to work properly. I have all the ones important written down on a piece of paper. Plus if I understood correctly you will need to have the drivers which I can't seem to find my network card ANYWHERE only the MM version which mine is DC and when I tried to install that kernel it didn't work. I did mention this in my first post.

Well, here's the deal:


The ModCD automatically detects which drivers are needed for your installation. I wouldn't interfere with what the ModCD chooses; 99% of the time it's spot on. Rather I would wait until post installation to see what needs to be activated.

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