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Can anyone help me with this? I've been trying to get the Titler applet in Premiere Pro CS5 to work, but no matter what I do it just gives me the beachball of death upon trying to spawn a new title. I did practically everything from removing duplicate fonts and clearing the font caches, to even reinstalling the whole thing, but still it doesn't let me make a title at all!


I'm running the app on OS X 10.5.8, by the way, on an Intel C2D 2.7Ghz, with the Voodoobuild AnV 0.4.1 kernel.

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Why would it be the fonts in this case though because I'm using the same fonts you are. I also have the MS suite installed as well and I don't happen to have the crashing. My only assumption is that it could be your gt 240 causing the issue? When it crashes try posting the crash log here so I can take a look at it.

From the crash log it seems the main thread is crashing and seems to be related to apple frameworks as the crashes are not apparent when in safe mode. It's weird though because the frameworks that aren't loaded in safe mode that cause the issue don't seem to affect the way the titler works for you as you said. I'll try booting into my snow leo installation later and see if I get the chance to check and see if the issue occurs.


Another thing though, there are some openGL references in the crash which are gpu based so your card may possibly be another factor (not saying that it is). I noticed at the bottom where your system info is in the log that it shows the card as unknown nVidia card. Your card has QE/CI enabled I'm assuming correct? Might just be the crash log displaying it as unknown but I want to be sure so I can route out the possibility of lack of QE.

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From the crash log it seems the main thread is crashing and seems to be related to apple frameworks as the crashes are not apparent when in safe mode. It's weird though because the frameworks that aren't loaded in safe mode that cause the issue don't seem to affect the way the titler works for you as you said. I'll try booting into my snow leo installation later and see if I get the chance to check and see if the issue occurs.


Another thing though, there are some openGL references in the crash which are gpu based so your card may possibly be another factor (not saying that it is). I noticed at the bottom where your system info is in the log that it shows the card as unknown nVidia card. Your card has QE/CI enabled I'm assuming correct? Might just be the crash log displaying it as unknown but I want to be sure so I can route out the possibility of lack of QE.


It does seem to have QE/CI enabled, as I can play games and other GPU-accelerated apps on it. Could this be due to the display kext/injector I used?

Unless you know another means of getting your gpu to work aside from your current method that could rule out the method of how the card working. Is there any chance btw that could Lion running on a separate partition just to test this out?

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Okay I tried it out on my 10.6.8 installation and it works albeit it's called title as opposed to being called titler in Lion.



So I can rule out the issue being specific to snow leo but I moreover feel it might be the GPU since there are openGL issues in the crash log just wanted you to try it on Lion to see if the problem still persists.

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Lol, do you use the titler that often? I mean if there's something in it you'd like me to drop in I wouldn't mind doing the quick job for you.


Well, since there's no Vegas for Macs, and I don't think iMovie would cut things, I opted for Premiere since I'm making Downfall parodies and some other, more important stuff.

And yeah as I said earlier I do use the Titler tool as I'm adding fake subtitles and text to scenes from Downfall.

I see. There's always Final Cut Pro if you want to give it a shot I've used it myself and it's a more advanced than the trivial stuff iMovie gives you. I've been a longtime user of Premiere Pro but I gave FCP X a whirl. Albeit the slight learning curve, I use it regularly now unless I have to alternate between After Effects and Photoshop I'll go down the Premiere Pro road.


You should show me one of these parodies you do so I could get a good laugh here and there. 8)

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