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Hey guys,


I have a DC5750 small form factor by hp and i want to run snow leopard on it. I have had no luck getting past the "still waiting for root device" on iAtkos s3 v2 and i have managed to get to a cutomize screen using Snowleopard universal PC but everytime i install and reboot it goes to kernal panic. Is there any way to install snow leopard on this machine?

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as far as i know the "still waiting for root device" means that the system can't see your HD, if you have SATA controller try to change it to AHCI mode in bios options.

attach the pic where it hangs for the PCuniversal install. the specs of your machine should help too

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I saw that post and i cant find the guide he is using :P and the specs are

Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ processor 2.1 GHz 1 MB L2 cache 2000 MHz front side bus

chipset: ATI Radeon® XPRESS 1150


Graphics: Integrated ATI Radeon X300 graphics with VGA and DVI-D

Hard Drive: 80 GB 7200 rpm RAID SATA 3.0 Gb/s

Network: Integrated Broadcom 5755 Gigabit Ethernet

Audio: Integrated High Definition audio with Realtek 2 channel ALC260 codec (all ports are stereo)


I think thats everything. I dont have AHCI support on this motherboard. I don't know if that means i can't do it :P


This is what i get in verbose from PCUniversal



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Use the retail Snow Leopard 10.6.3 DVD and build your own Chameleon boot CD that has ATIATA.kext or SB700.kext on it. Or track down one that has it.


To learn how to make your own Chameleon boot CD, go to the VoodooProjects forum, find a post by me and follow the link in my signature.

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Like here on IM and almost every other on-line forum in existance, you need to be logged in to download attachments.


All I know is that ATIATA.kext and SB700.kext are for ATI Southbridges, that's all I can say. Try each one and see which one works for you.

If you don't feel like doing your experimenting, then use the search or google to find what other users with the same hardware have done. I can't be more specific because I have never installed OS X on anything with ATI chipset.

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I saw that post and i cant find the guide he is using :P

You are trying to install on an AMD machine. The guide to which he was referring was the AMD 10.6.8 guide: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=253767


Just as Gringo Vermelho said, it starts with 10.6.3. Use Gringo's hints in setting up your boot CD.

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An AMD machine cannot boot the vanilla kernel, only a legacy kernel. The version of the kernel has to match the version of OSX you are going to boot. You are also going to need a driver for your hard drive system so you will need ATIATA.kext or SB700.kext. You need a bootloader which is some version of Chameleon. And you may need other things that are not provided by the installation DVD.


Google: amd boot cd

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alright i got the whole system to work using snow leopard universal cd but i can only boot into safe mode using -x, when i dont i get a kernal panic, ill keep messing with it but in safe mode i cant get it to read my usb to install the ATIATA.kext or SB700.kext that i have

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I'm sorry, there is no information there that gives me a clue as to your problem.


If you really want to, you can try to modify the iAtkos install DVD. The reason it is waiting for root device is that OSX cannot find a usable driver to boot the dvd. Drivers are stored in /System/Library/Extensions directory. But to speed things up, a compressed version is kept which is called Extensions.mkext. It is stored in /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/Extensions.mkext.


The process to modify the DVD is to convert it to a read/write image. Grab the Extensions.mkext and expand it. Modify it to add needed drivers. Compress it and put it back into the read/write image. Then create a DVD from the modified read/write image.


Here is a guide to help with some of it: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=67713


Other than that, I have nothing more to offer you.

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