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I followed the instructions here:




for my NC6400. Everything went great except for the ethernet configuration. It picks up an IP from my router via DHCP and I can ping other computers on the LAN, including the router, but nothing outside the router. I'm guessing it has something to do with the 00:00:00:00:00:00 HW address that is bound to en0. DNS seems to work - using nslookup resolves domain names to IP addresses just fine.

Anyone have any ideas or can help me troubleshoot this?

Thanks in advance...

replace wireless but first flash the bios.. what vid card intel or ATI ? 2 differnt bios whitelist hacks depending on video.


IONetworkingFamily.kext = I have added AppleBCM5751Ethernet.kext that I have modified using hexedit to enable Internal LAN Gigabit. To resolve the MAC address problem, please add in rc.local "/sbin/ifconfig en1 lladdr AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF" as usual.



Thanks for the reply...


I'm not concerned about getting the wireless working...I'm okay with just getting the wired working.


the command to set the MAC address manually works great! The only catch is that I have to call ifconfig manually after I boot up...let me back up a bit to explain.


After fighting with the AppleBCM5751Ethernet.kext kext a few days ago, I removed it and re-added it back in. Ever since then, the kext won't load during boot.

I have to manually do a kextload AppleBCM5751Ethernet.kext after I boot up. Once I do that, I can, also manually, do the ifconfig call to set my MAC address. I don't want to do those 2 steps manually every time I boot, so I need some help to get those into a boot startup script.


You said to put the ifconfig command in rc.local. There was no rc.local when I checked. So, I created one. When I put the kextload AppleBCM5751Ethernet.kext command in rc.local, it loads the kext properly on boot up. So, I put the ifconfig command to set the MAC address in there too, after the kextload command, but it does not recognize it. It seems that at boot up it only executes the first command in the rc.local file...or maybe there's some other reason it's not picking up the ifconfig command.


Any ideas on how I can sort out my kext loading and MAC address setting at boot time so I don't have to do it manually after every boot?


I'm just a hair away now from my goal of having wired ethernet working flawlessly!

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