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Hi there,


I read that it's possible to run the SL 10.6.8 Hackintosh in 64 bit mode (x86_64) is this right?

Is it right that the limitation will be that only x64 apps will run?


I need 64 bit for some programs, but I don't know how to patch (binaries) to run in x64 mode :(


Does anybody know how to patch it or any kernel bootflags I must use? I use -force64 with arch=i386 at the moment.



Looking forward to hear something (and looking forward to run OS in x64) :D

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I read that it's possible to run the SL 10.6.8 Hackintosh in 64 bit mode (x86_64) is this right?

Yes, if you have the cpu capable of doing so.

Is it right that the limitation will be that only x64 apps will run?

No, OSX/64 runs 64 and 32 bit apps, as well as PPC (Rosetta). This is true at least for my A-II 640.

Does anybody know how to patch it or any kernel bootflags I must use?

My AMD box uses a patched 10.6.8 Kernel pkg, which comes with an option to force 64bit.

I use -force64 with arch=i386 at the moment

That looks contradictory to me. Afaik -force64 calls 64bit, arch=i386 calls 32bit.

Maybe someone else can confirm?


Look here too please: http://www.osx86.net...x-10-6-amd.html


Best wishes!

Already tried the x86_64 flag to boot completely in x64 mode, but no go :( Only 32 bit with -force64 works.

CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 945.


Wasn't the -force64 flag for userland x64? (whatever that means)?

  • 2 weeks later...

I´m afraid, I cant give you the details, but there is a 10.6.8 legacy kernel package available, that has an option to install a "force64" for AMD as well.

That did the trick for me.

If you wish, I can upload the package on minus or else, if you cant find it.

  • 2 months later...

64 bit kernel for AMD found here.


Hi to all i've tryed it but whitout any succes!

I've 10.6.8 whit amd turin and i've need to install a 64bit mode for some application ( new Photoshop cs6... And all new cs6 suite Adobe ).

I've tryed whit -force64 , x_86_64 , but don't work !!

Photoshop app , open and after the first screen it closed!

Can anyone help me??

Sorry for the bad english

use nawcom's kernel for 10.6.8 and use kernel flags "arch=i386 -force64"


Next, to make 32 AND 64-bit programs work look up and use AMD ISNS Patcher.


Hi tnks for the reply.

In tris moment i use a nawkom 10.6.8 kernel and the kernel flag is arch=i386 -force64 busrtaio=13...but i don't undestestend, what is a AMD ISNS PATCH ? I not found it

It's a patch that does exactly what you're looking for: lets 32-bit apps run in 64-bit mode. I'll edit post with a link. It is a command line tool there is a forum thread I had found earlier with easy instructions... will post back.


EDIT: Woops its called amd INSN patcher not ISNS no wonder you couldn't find it XD. Anyway, here you go: http://www.osx86.net/desktops/14304-guide-use-more-than-4gb-ram-amd-32-64-bit-apps-working.html

  • 6 months later...

I'm Sorry , not install but command line, yes.

And now my system don't start.

Or more precisaly my system start but i don't see the desktop , only a green screen whit Apple logo.

The strange thing is that system don't start not even whit -x -v -f ...


You could try boot with std_dyld=Yes

It is rather late, but may help others.

I have a ASUS M4N82 Deluxe (nForce980 chipset) with a AMD Phenom II X4 955BE CPU. I used the Nawcom Legacy Kernel 10.6.8v2 installer. This is my kernel flag string verbatim

-v arch=i386 -force64 std_dyld=Yes

Use Plist Edit to put the flags in, there is a BUG with Chameleon Wizard, where it messes up the flags. I am also using Chimera 1.7.0 r1394 (seems like older versions work better than newer ones.). ATM I have a proper DSDT, but am not using it. Been feverishly working on my efi strings. I reccomend the version 2 of the kernel as it has the evilacpi and evilpci kexts (in E/Extra) never got the npci flags to work. My system boots up in about 15 seconds.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, if someone finds this thread now... You're lucky. The 64-bit has became reality. Only for Phenoms atm, but Athlon fix is coming soon! :)



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