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Is a strange thing happening with my new hackintosh.



Simply install it just starts without any kext (only the default). When I install some kexts with the essential [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] (EvOReboot, USB 3.0, NullCPUPowerManagement), the system gives KP and no longer works. Sometimes even starts, but hangs on the login screen.


What got the installation running unmodified:



- Keyboard

- Trackpad

- Video (transparent bar) with MacBookPro8, 1

- Recorder


What I did not get working:



- Sound

- Wi-Fi

- USB (2.0 and 3.0)


What I have not tested:




- Ethernet

- SD Card Reader



What is not important (at least for now):




- Ethernet

- SD Card Reader


Finally, the situation is this! The system works without the kexts with the kexts seem to a problem and the system stops working. Do not know if I did something wrong, my setup is on signature (portuguese).



I'm looking for some kexts, the system is running almost nothing is too bad to use it well. Sound, Wi-Fi and USB are things I need to be working, I use it a lot.


One more thing: How do I upgrade to 10.7.2? Upgrade Now or when everything is right?



I installed some kexts and the result was as follows: when shutdown or restart gives kernel panic, stopped recognizing the video, but USB worked with UsbBusFix=Yes.




And in attached file, my DSDT generated in AIDA64. I think that will be additional info, but I don't know how to use it on Mac.acpi_dsdt.zip

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