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I tried my best with DSDT and followed all tutorials for this MoBo i could find, but they allways point to the Voodoo kext. Unfortunately this sollution is simply not good enough for me. I have very strong noise in my spekers with all the voodoo kexts and it is vital to me that the sound is clean.


Soo if You have a sollution better then I then I would be glad to hear it [sic!]


So far i installed retail 10.7 with the live DVD (regae) then did the combo 10.7.2. With my DSDT.aml copied to the desktop I used [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] 4.2.1 and checked:


+ user DSDT Install
+ System Utilities
- Drivers
 - Kexts
   - Audio
     - Realtek ALC8xx
       + ALC8xxHDA
       + AppleHDARollback
   - Disk
     + 3rdPartySATA
     + Jmicron36x ATA
   - Network
     + Realtek Gigabit...


I see in SystemUtil that the HDA kext is working (I see input and output choices) but i can't hear a thing.


The system is stable so far (no booting in verbose mode to avoid kernel panic as before) but still no clean sound, well no sound at all...


Any help will be nice!!!


There is a DSDT for MSI X58 pro-e in attachment (extracted in linux and patched with DSDTeditor and debugged in DSDT SE

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