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I have installed OSX on the first partition (primary,hda1,20Gb) and ubuntu 6.06 uses the rest of the hard drive.

I had installed ubuntu first and then osx. To boot into osx, i had to add the following lines into the /boot/grub/menu.lst - (referred this thread - http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.ph...#Grub_in_short)


title OSX_X86

rootnoverify (hd0,0)


chainloader +1


But, i am getting the following error - HFS+ partition error.


i came across this in the same thread - If you have an "HFS+ partition error", copy all the files from /usr/standalone/i386 of the Darwin CD to a partition in NTFS, FAT or ext but not hfs on your hard disk, and put this in menu.lst :


title OSX_X86

rootnoverify (hd0,2) <- replace hd0,2 by the partition where you have copied chainloader files.


chainloader /chain0


where can i find the files of /usr/standalone/i386 of the Darwin CD?

Can anyone please help me out?


Thanks a Lot! in advance. . .

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