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I've added some libs to "external frameworks & libs" in Xcode. Now while compiling it says to not find -L path/is/wrong


So how to adjust the -L path for linking in xcode?


Are there any differences between libs and framworks? I have to compile it later also on Linux, so thanks for help.


Regards Michael

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Frameworks basically are libraries that you add to your project.


To properly use a framework, you must create and initialize at run-time according to the conventional way as described in the Apple docs about Framework bundles.


a typical framework bundle should be created as followed:




   MyFramework  -> Versions/Current/MyFramework
   Resources    -> Versions/Current/Resources
    Current  -> A


Of course this is just a very basic example of a framework bundle structure but it really doesn't get any more difficult than this depending on the complexity of the Framework you want to create yourself.


I believe your issue might be the fact that you're just adding in the frameworks into X while they aren't in the conventional framework bundle format that X recognizes. A possible recode of your frameworks into the X format should easily rectify your issues hopefully.


If you need any more info on creating your own frameworks in X then you can just click here. http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPFrameworks/Concepts/WhatAreFrameworks.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20002303-BBCEIJFI

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