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MacPro4,1 with nVidia GT440 graphics on OS X Lion

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Hello =)


I have googled and searched for hours, but I only found, that the GT440 graphics card is supposed to be supported by the GF100 driver of Lion.


0x0dc010de&0xffc0ffff <-- this ID is also including the ID for my GT440, which is this one: 0x0DE010DE


However, i can't seem to get it activated/loaded by OS X. The only entries I get in system profiler looks like that:




Type: GPU

Bus: PCIe

Slot: Slot-2

PCIe-Lane-Breite: x16

Manufacturer: NVIDIA (0x10de)

Device-ID: 0x0de0

Version-ID: 0x00a1


Display Connector:



Not recognized by any tool either. GPU-Z, LuxMark, etc..


I got a EVGA GTX285 in the lowest slot, and the first open one (should be slot 2) I installed the GT440 in it.

It works via BootCamp with both CUDA and OpenGL/DirectX... So it can't be really an issue of wrong slots, too much power, etc.


You guys keep saying that LION natively supports Fermi (GF1xx) cards. How do you manage to get them loaded? By Chameleons GraphicsEnabler? Any other chance for me to get it in there?


I appreciate your advice.


Thank you

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