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Could somebody please zip and upload the folder from /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.7.sdk?

I need it to make the new dyld for the new legacy kernel.

Thanks in advance... ;)

I just read up dyld at Wikipedia but the information there re. Dynamic linker did not really satisfy me. Could someone please post a link to where dyld is explained in regards to hackintosh and kernel modding? What's being done, why is it helpful or necessary? (I apologize I had not had enough time to keep up with what's happening as I would like to, so trying to catch up now with the theoretics) ;)




ah OK, now the pieces come together and what's written at wikipedia makes sense re. h'tosh - thanks, wastez. I have already been having enough trouble with Intel h'toshes and therefore decided not to even THINK getting into AMD CPU h'toshing at all, which is why dlyd-ing whizzed by me .. :rolleyes:

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