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AHCI with gb motherboard problem


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Hey guys, I am in a bit of a pickle here.


As the guides everywhere state, I need my SATA drive to be in AHCI mode instead of IDE, so I went and did that in that in the BIOS.


whoops, now when I boot my windows, I go through the first screen and bluescreen (of death).

Also, no access to the BIOS, the first two screens changed, some kind of AHCI specific screens, which state no button to press to go into the BIOS, so I literally tried every stupid button to get into the BIOS to change AHCI back to IDE. no luck in that part.


so I searched a while in the internet (the last 3-4 hours), and found a post stating I should connect my HD to the white SATA socket, e.g GSATA.


aha! windows now boots, yet there is still no access to the BIOS.

what can I do to get my BIOS back :'( ?


also, in the AHCI boot screen, I've noticed it says that BIOS version (1.20E) has no support for USB boot. only HD and CD-ROMS. I realize to install a hackintosh I have to use AHCI, and I boot everything from USB. everything. can't stop using it.


so my questions are, what do I need to do to get into the BIOS, and what do I need to do to enable booting from USB in AHCI mode.


thanks in advance,

me ;)

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yea, exactly what I did, I flashed the 10g BIOS, and to be able to get back to it in AHCI mode I set the delay time of the Logo screen (that's how it's called?) to 3 seconds. Now I'm in AHCI mode, and got the bios in hand.

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