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Weird Still waiting for boot device.


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Hello all.

Just ran through a fresh installation of Leopard (10.5.6) on my AMD based machine (64 x2 4200+, MS7168 mobo, 2gb ram). Everything went better than expected !


Then, when I reached my desktop, i download nvidia kext for my 9500gt, and managed to update to 10.6.x using this tutorial : http://www.insanelymac.com/2009/09/install...-pc-hackintosh/


Followed all the steps, using a second partition on my HDD.

Now, when i reboot, i'm able to boot on Leopard, with no errors, ad when i try to boot on the partition containing SL, it hangs on Still waiting for boot device.


PS: I don't know why the first partition is working, but heh, it's working :D


Have a nice day/evening and thanks for your help !


EDIT: Okay so i copied missing kexts using diff command, from Leopard S/L/E to Snow Leopard E/E. It boots and hangs on THE famous AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement timed out (wtf i have AMD proc...)



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