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Help Needed regarding SnowOSX installation!

Hurricane Dragon

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Hey people... I am new here & this is my first post here... I need your help... I am trying to install SnowOSX 3.6 intel only (Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.2), but its continuosly rebooting, it just starts the Chameleon bootloader & as soon as the bootloader finishes & tries to load mach_kernel from the HFS part of the disk to start the setup it reboots... I am now using iAtkos 5i 10.5.5, Chameleon 2.0 RC3, ToH 9.2.0 Kernel & I can't get the SigmaTel 9220 & Intel® PRO/100 VE working... Tried all the drivers on the disk, SigmatelAudioDriver.kext & other audio kexts from kexts.com... I have attached my Hardware Specs... Please help me... ;)




Thank you...








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I can't help more than telling you what I already know, and I know not much of the problem you have. But I have a suggestion, if you haven't already tried it.. iDeneb 10.5.8. (1.6 Lite)? It's a newer distro, also, why not try - well - all other distros? Google them and download, burn and try. Same as my case, not every distro wanted to even boot into installer, while iDeneb worked perfectly.



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