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Current gen. compatible hardware?


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Sorry to be so outright needy, but I've suddenly been put in a position where, if I can, I need to put together a machine for a short-term project, and going with a mac pro isn't in the budget.


I have a OSx86 box running at home that's been flawless for years (thanks to you guys), so I can hold my own getting things running on the software side, but for hardware my knowledge stops around the core2quad/8600GT timeframe.


Can anyone recommend a solid set of current mb/cpu/gpu that has a proven track record? I don't need any over the top features hardware-wise (one-click overclocking, USB3, eSATA or sata3, etc). Just something that when I hand it off to the end user the basics (audio, network, sleep, time machine, etc) will work.


i5 or better, and 260/460 or better would be ideal. Like I said, getting things to work in software and hunting down and configuring kexts isn't going to be an issue, I just need to make sure the hardware has potential.



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