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8400 gs 512mb osx 10.6.2 kext?

dontreadmyname :D

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  • 3 months later...
Works great with Graphics Enabler only, no additional kexts required. If it doesn't, then you're definitely doing something wrong.


hmmm doesn`t seem to be that simple to me either.


At the moment I get only one Monitor up and running but with low resolution only. Which is 1024X768 . But my monitor can go up to 1680X1050. Actually I do not even see the choice to switch resolution in the selection window under system/monitor.


Also Dualscreen doesn`t work either.


How can I get all these things working? I tried a lot allready too with no luck.


Any help or suggestions are welcome. I am running on 10.6.6 with Booter_AsereBLN_v1.1.9.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi there,


I have the same Gigabyte 8400GS 512mb, but cannot get it to work, other than 1024x768 from the DVI port.

I have tried GraphicsEnabler=YES but it still doesn't work. Also tried NVEnabler but still no joy.


Has anyone managed to sort it out?


OSX 10.6.7

Intel H55N-USB3

i3 540

Gigabyte 8400GS 512mb


Many Thanks,


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I have tried PCIRootUID=0 and PCIRootUID=1, with no luck.

I see the Apple logo, and the spinning circle, but then the screen goes black, but machine is still on.


Any ideas?

Has anyone got this exact graphics card to work with 10.6.7?


Many Thanks


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Has anyone got this exact graphics card to work with 10.6.7?
Lots of people.
I have tried PCIRootUID=0 and PCIRootUID=1, with no luck.

Read this post http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php...t&p=1688176

Example of what your "com.apple.Boot.plist" should include (Your PCI slot number may differ)




Take note in that linked thread about adding the Vendor & Device ID to the NVDANV50Hal.kext. ( Needed for my Galaxy 8400GS VGA/DVI -pci-e)

Update chameleon to 2RC5. And ONLY use one method of injection at a time. SO if you go with the Chameleon Injection REMOVE any enabler kexts and any strings.

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I have installed Chameleon2RC5, from your link.




I have added my device ID and vendor ID to NVDANV50Hal.kext




However my graphics card has a revision ID? Does this need to be input anywhere?


I have removed all kexts.


Still no joy, stuck with 1024x768


I have a motherboard with only one PCI slot, therefor I believe my PCIRootUID=0.

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Used Lizard to check my PCIRootUID=1.

Did a fresh install, as I wanted to check I have done everything you said.


One question, after the Vendor ID and device ID, I see I should enter something like this:




What shoudlt his be, as there are different versions in the existing list of ID's, such as 0xffe0ffff.


Otherwise, not working yet.

After adding the Device ID to NVDANV50Hal.kext, I get a black screen after the Apple Logo on boot, but the keyboard it stil responsive, so guess its just the screen thats black and the machine hasn't crashed.

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In some rare cases, you may need to create a custom EFI string: http://forum.netkas.org/index.php?topic=222

Yep - it was in the link from post 7


@Roberto >>"What shoudlt his be, as there are different versions in the existing list of ID's, such as 0xffe0ffff."


Not sure to tell the truth.


Here is my 10.6.7 kext to use as an example . the line i added is this one in bold

[b]0x10c310de&0xfff0ffff	[/b]	


EDIT What outputs do you have on that card & which one are you using?


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Thanks for all your help so far.

I tried 0x10c310de&0xfff0ffff as this is exactly the same as my vendor ID and device ID.

Unfortunately I get a black screen after Chameleon loads the OS.


The graphics card has DVI, HDMI and VGA. I have been using DVI. However after your comment I tried plugging in the HDMI. Although this produced no picture at all, even Bios, the screen did flicker regularly, but only to a slightly different black image.


I then plugged in the DVI along with the HDMI, and after a few seconds, the DVI port worked, at maximum resolution. However, when unplugging the HDMI, it went black again. It seemed pretty unstable when it did work, but it was enough time to run Lizard and confirm PCIRootUID=1.


One thing, from a previous post, you mentioned only using ONE method of injection at a time.

If I was to try using NVEnabler_64.kext and GraphicsEnabler=No, would I only have to put this kext in /Extras/Extensions and alter GraphicsEnabler=No? Do I need to do anything else to not use Chameleon Injection, and try the Kext Injection?


If this is the case, this method does not work either.


Now I get a black screen weather I use [url=&quot;http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/&quot;]#####[/url] or Chameleon alone. Any ideas?


Thank you so much for your help, I am determined to get this to work!

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NVEnabler_64.kext needs to be in S/L/E (not in E/E) My card is DVI & VGA, either port works, but not both at once.

I use the NVEnabler_64.kext & Edit to NVDANV50Hal.kext



as I get a blue screen on resolution change with the Chameleon injection method.


Maybe you can find something in this search that we have not covered here http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&...p;aql=f&oq=

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Following instructions and downloaded kexts from:



I have used EFI Studio added my graphics card to com.apple.Boot.plist, then copied the /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist to /Extra.


I can get the machine to boot with the correct resoltuion using -x in Chameleon, but without the safe mode, I cant get it to work, it just goes to a black screen.


What does safe mode NOT do, does it just not load com.apple.Boot.plistfrom /Extra ?


Many Thanks,


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Safe mode (as Windows does) loads a minimal lot of kexts (drivers) run "kexstat" in terminal to see what loads.

Don't understand what instructions your talking about !



EDIT From a bit of research I have been doing for my own satisfaction

- Galaxy branded 8400GS ~ More problematic than other brands.

- More problems with "Distro" rather than Boot CD, Retail Disk, myHack etc , type installs. (with 8400GS)

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OK, this is the site I have been refering to:



I have downloaded their 4 files:







I have added them one by one to see which one was giving me the black screen.

NVDANV50Hal.kext and NVDAResman.kext both contain my device ID.




All of them allow the system to boot fine, with working graphics (1024x768) UNTIL I install NVDAResman.kext. This is what is causing the black screen on boot.


Installing the kexts using Kext Utility.

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