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[help] 4core1333-viiv, Retail, Distro or nothing?


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I've an ATI 5750 and i know there's nothing to do about it other than wait for kexts.

my mobo is an asrock 4core1333-viiv with bios P1.60, chipset is g965/p965 ich8dh.

i read awful things about this mobo, for example one of this forum users tried a custom firmware that seems to have destroyed it, and on the wiki i saw no support at all.

at least one year ago i made it to install leopard (not snow) on this pc without audio and lan to work, and if i remember well neither usb was working.

i'm posting all what everest can find about those peripherals hoping that someone here can lend me a hand, from telling me which distro to take (or retail) to telling me which kexts and patches to choose during installation.

this for audio: Realtek ALC888/1200, from asrock site it says only ALC888.

and this for network: Intel® 82566DC Gigabit.

is there something i can do with this config, thanks in advance.

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Actually the only distro that was fine for me is iAtkos S3 which has mac os x 10.6.3


and I have EX58 UD3R which also has ALC888 Audio chip and it worked for me but I got audio from the headphones socket :D


Also iAtkos has some kexts for your intel network card


try and tell me :shock:

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ok, i'm downloading, so i have to choose a bootloader: chameleon will be good for a dual boot with seven.

from bootloader options do i have to choose 32-bit boot due to my video card? i read that there only are kexts for 32-bit.

from patches i really don't know what to pick ç_ç

drivers...well: voodoo HDA and apple hda 10.6.2 would be good for sound, i have 2 hdd sata2 in raid0, do i have to select something on sata/ide?

then again from vga i think i have to left all unselected, right?

and on network intel gigabit must be selected for my config and not intel pro 100.

language italian will be good, i also could have taken this for me, but.. hey :)

am i wrong somewhere?

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The bootloader that worked for was PCI EFI (you will find a list to choose from in iAtkos)

and actually I didnt choose the 32 bit mode


actually I'm telling you what I did and what did work for me :)


but you may want to change some options as you want if you felt like it will suits you :)


good luck

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ok, i finally tried and it worked, audio is working and also video, i'm stuck at 1024x768 but i'll work on it later because i think enabling the 82566DC gigabit lan is more important and since i don't know how to make it work i'm begging for heeelp pleeease ç_ç


EDIT: oh, i selected the gigabit drivers on installation


RE-EDIT: I'm writing by snow leopard 10.6.4, all updated and working, obviously not the ati 5750, wish kexts come soon.

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Great news ;)

Now search for your graphics card kexts so you get full mac experience like me ;)


I think you can change the resolution by adding this kernel flag at your start up


"Graphics Mode"=1680x1050x32


With this "

change the previous resolution with your suitable one


But you will still need your graphics card kexts

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