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cannot boot without DVD

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My system configuration is:

Intel G33FB

Core 2 Duo

Nvidia 8600GT

Transcend RAM DDR2 2GB

Seagatte SATA HDD 500GB



I am able to boot snow leopard but not without the dvd. If I try to boot without the dvd, i get the error:

"no hpets available ... cpu(s) configured incorrectly\n"@/SourceCache/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement-"


If I enable HPET in BIOS, then I get kernel panic error.

Should I remove:




and should I also remove:



Do you have any other suggestions?


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Please provide some more information.

What dit you install after the OS X installation? Did you install a bootloader like Chameleon or PC-EFI?


What kext/patches are you using?


Seems the nullcpupowermanagement could fix this issue.

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Thanks for the replies.

I don't know what DSDT is.

Other than the base setup of iAtkos 10.6.3, I did not install anything else (no modified kernels, patchers etc) except PS2 drivers and natit and nvenabler. And yes, I installed Chameleon RC4. Then I updated to 10.6.4 without any hacks, patches.



Now I installed NullCPUPowerManagement with kexthelper. It did not work. Then I installed it by directly copying it to the Extras/extensions folder. Now i have it in both these places. But it did not work.


Then I installed FakeSMC.kext and SMCITEController.kext in Extra\Extensions.


That solved my boot without dvd problem. However, it has created new problems. As soon as I booted, I saw that my wallpaper had changed. I lost my display resolution. It was 1280x720. Now it is only 1024x720. I saw in System Preferences>>Display but it is the only resolution availabe to me. Earlier there were many others.

My nvidia 8600GT is not being recongnized in system profiler. I only see this now:


Type: GPU

Bus: PCIe

PCIe Lane Width: x16

VRAM (Total): 32 MB

Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)

Device ID: 0x0402

Revision ID: 0x00a1



Resolution: 1024 x 768

Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)

Main Display: Yes

Mirror: Off

Online: Yes



I am sure that earlier i could see my nvidia 8600 in that description.


I installed Natit.kext, NVEnabler.kext and NVInject.kext in Extra\Extensions folder. No change. What should I do now?


(In my BIOS, HPET is disabled. During all the changes I made, I had tried keeping it enabled and disabled. With HPET enabled, Snow Leopard never booted. I don't care if HPET remains disabled because I don't even know what it is)

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