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Final Cut Pro on OSX86 laptops

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I'm considering a new laptop and am weighing up whether to get a Macbook Pro or PC laptop.


What are my chances of getting FCP to run well on OSX86 on a laptop? And what are the issues? Presumably I could save myself a bundle if I could but I want the thing to run properly, as it would be the primary use of the machine.


Also would I have any luck driving a 2nd monitor off a OSX86 laptop? This is also pretty important since FCP is much nicer to use with a 2nd screen.


Sorry if these questions sound dumb. I have experience installing OSX86 on desktops and have even run FCP pretty successfully on these, but have never owned a laptop and don't know what the major pitfalls are.

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Hi there. FCP 7 is working one my Asus K40IE Laptop. It has 4gb ram and decent nVidia 310M 512MB graphics. also, a second screen is working


Sorry to dig this up again. I hadn't actually realised there was a reply to my old posting. I can't see the Asus K40IE anywhere, so presumably it's out of production now.


Does anyone else have FCP running on an OSX86 lappy?

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