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[solved] exchange of option and command key doesn't work


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I bought a new DELL Keyboard for my Hackintosh Gigabyte P35-DS4 with 10.6.3.

On my old HP Keyboard I was able to exchange the command with the option key over the "Modifier Keys" in the Keyboard Pane.


When I'm trying to do that with my new DELL Keyboard (KB1421 Ger) it won't work. :)

Any Ideas?



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Try DoubleCommand it worked for me. After you download it just open the preferences pane and enable "Command key acts as Option key" and "Option key acts as Command key". Then just save it for the system or the user so you don't have to reenable it after boot, or if you click activate it will work but you have to reenable it after boot. That worked for me.

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Try DoubleCommand it worked for me. After you download it just open the preferences pane and enable "Command key acts as Option key" and "Option key acts as Command key". Then just save it for the system or the user so you don't have to reenable it after boot, or if you click activate it will work but you have to reenable it after boot. That worked for me.


Excellent, that indeed solved the problem.

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