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NVIDIA CUDA 3.1 for MAC release


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I'm thinking of trying it out on my desktop but I'm worried it may mess up my system. What do you guys think?










This info is already present here: How To Cuda / Mercury Engine on Premiere CS5 / Snow Leopard [ lower end graphic cards ]


Different purpose but same CUDA usage...



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CUDA cant mess up your system (normally) because its independend from the othet things. Needs CUDA App to get "in action". Without any CUDA App running the system "doesnt see" + doesnt use the CUDA drivers (+ dev tools installed).

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I am not sure what general apps take advantage of CUDA. I use Handbrake to transcode all my Bluray to mp4 and it used to tax my Q9550 to the max(all CPUs showing 100%) and I couldn't play another movie smoothly with HB running. Now with CUDA installed the process of HB still takes 100% of all CPU cycles but a strange good thing happens- when I play a movie, the picture looks so smooth as if HB is not even running. The CPUs still shows 100% but that does not even bother VLC a bit.

I can't wait for a future HB release that can take advantage of CUDA.

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