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P55 vs. X58 Gigabyte Motherbaords for SL

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I have been searching the forums doing some research for my first Hackintosh build, and I am can't seem to decide what motherboard is going to be best for a SL 10.6.4 build.


I really would like to jump on baord the new X58 motherboards so that I use the new 1366 type processors like an i7-930.


I hear that using the kakewalk method is best method for that setup. However the EX58 series of Motherboards by Gigabyte seems to be gone on New Egg and the newer X58A series have taken their place.


The GA-X58A-UD3R seems like a great Mobo but I hear the 2.0 revision has many problem with audio and Ethernet with the install as discussed here. I'd prefer not to do so many Kext installs since they may get modified with an OS update. I want to be as vanilla as possible. I can't confirm that original 1.0 boards don't have these issues, but that seems to be the case. Anyone know if that is indeed true? there seem to be some differences discussed here and here that seem to affect hacktoshes more so due to driver issues. I guess the Kakewalk install method was for the 1.0 board, but I can't confirm.


I could go for a tried and true P55 mobo like the GA-P55A-UD4P however that would mean staying with the older LGA1156 cpu socket and therefor a slower CPU like the i7-860. perhaps a small price to pay for a easier install process, but i'd really like to build a computer that is going to last, and is upgradable to 6 core cpus in the future. The price would be around the same for either setup.


some pro advice would be much appreciated.



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