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HD disks all have orange Icons - P6T Dlx v2


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Got almost everything working how I want, but I can't find the correct kexts for solving this issue.

With ACHI set in bios (required) all my internal HD drives show with Orange (external) icons.

After searching, I have seen some info that indicates that AppleAHCIport.kext and IOACHIFamily.kext need to be updated to support the P6T Raid and that this fixes the problem.

I haven't been able to find these for this mb.

Am I on the right track?

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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I've got the audio fixed and have DSDT v3.3.

I have spent considerable effort searching that thread/topic.

What I found related to installing the above - in the interest of space I won't list all the search terms I used.


If anyone can offer some helpful suggestions or other info, I would greatly appreciate it.

Let me know if you need more info from me.

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  • 10 months later...
Got almost everything working how I want, but I can't find the correct kexts for solving this issue.

With ACHI set in bios (required) all my internal HD drives show with Orange (external) icons.

After searching, I have seen some info that indicates that AppleAHCIport.kext and IOACHIFamily.kext need to be updated to support the P6T Raid and that this fixes the problem.

I haven't been able to find these for this mb.

Am I on the right track?

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


you can simply change the icons. i'm sure it's just a cosmetic problem anyway. select the icon you want, copy it to clipboard, then "get info" on the drive, click on the small icon at the top and cmd+V to paste you preferred icon... go to a free icon website and have a bit of fun. i've included screenshots of my main HD, Time Machine and the Dock... note a very classical iTunes and OpenOffice lol - 4th and 5th from the left on the dock. DO NOT try to change the icon for Finder as it'll cause all sorts of grief!!!



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