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I'm trying to get the XBOX HID Driver working in 10.6, but the kext doesnt want to load. This is what the terminal spits out:

bash-3.2# kextutil /System/Library/Extensions/DWXboxHIDDriver.kext


Kext declares no com.apple.kpi.* libraries; if it references any kernel symbols, it may fail to link.

Executable does not contain code for architecture:


Personality has no CFBundleIdentifier; the kext's identifier will be inserted when sending to the IOCatalogue:

Generic Xbox Device


Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/DWXboxHIDDriver.kext - no code for running kernel's architecture.

Failed to load /System/Library/Extensions/DWXboxHIDDriver.kext - (libkern/kext) requested architecture/executable not found.


From the looks of things it wont load becuase its only x86, not x64, but i thought 10.6 x64 should be able to load 32bit kexts...?


Is there a trick to get something like this to load? The source is available on the site, but i dont have any clue how to compile a driver, let alone compile it for x64. So maybe someone very kind could consider trying it for me.... :D

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