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Crazy hard time installing osx on my Acer 5672

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I've seen plenty of people sucessfully install osx on their acer aspire 5672's so im not sure what my problem is. First I downloaded the image burned it @ 2x to minmize errors, set up a new partition and marked it as active. restarted with the dvd in and it would just give me the error to the extent of cant read and can't write. thought this was weird, researched it and found that starting it up in advanced with the switch -s might help me. tried it out did the same thing and after about 30 read errors, it started up. now im in the mac osx installation proggy but @ 6% (of the installation DVD check) it gives me the finger (error lol) of "there was a problem checking your disc" now i assume that would mean there is an error with my disk image, but people have used it before and had it work and i burned it @ 2x. does anybody have any ideas? i searched around but couldn't find the answer so sorry if its already been asked. thx a ton

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I've seen plenty of people sucessfully install osx on their acer aspire 5672's so im not sure what my problem is. First I downloaded the image burned it @ 2x to minmize errors, set up a new partition and marked it as active. restarted with the dvd in and it would just give me the error to the extent of cant read and can't write. thought this was weird, researched it and found that starting it up in advanced with the switch -s might help me. tried it out did the same thing and after about 30 read errors, it started up. now im in the mac osx installation proggy but @ 6% (of the installation DVD check) it gives me the finger (error lol) of "there was a problem checking your disc" now i assume that would mean there is an error with my disk image, but people have used it before and had it work and i burned it @ 2x. does anybody have any ideas? i searched around but couldn't find the answer so sorry if its already been asked. thx a ton


What ISO are you using? Jas' 10.4.6? or another one? and where did you get it from?

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Or, you could try skipping the DVD test. I always do. Havent had a single problem with any of my installs.


thx for the help, apparently my dvdrw is bad and scratches the disk (hardcore deep too) when it reads, went and burned a new one and installed as fast as i could and it works- just no hardware support for display switching, used the borris method for my x1600 and now i get a black screen when the gui should come up :( any ideas?

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