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Well...possible...perhaps - Thats what I was thinking when someone showed me it.


Downloaded - it said AMD at the end of the file...I extracted it - but the file inside said Intel...I was assured by my friend that it worked on his AMD Athlon 64 3700+ but I have a X2 4400, and I know there has been some problems with them and OSX, but what the hell, I couldn't get iTunes work, so worth the try.


Installed it...went to "about this mac" and there it was - 10.4.7 - Amazing!!!


I then went to updates, and i got updates for the whole iLife suite, including iTunes which all installed perfectly and now work perfectly!!!


I would be more than happy to share this with you but I am afraid I couldn't tell you as I think it's breaking the rules telling you where you would get this file - although I am not sure if it breaking the rules for to tell you the name of the file - or to prehaps add me on Msn dd_nvidia@hotmail.co.uk or AIM/iChat DD_nVidia@mac.com



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i guess its this one: MacOSXUpd10.4.7AMD.pkg


i heard you should backup the system.kext before.

install the update.

repair persmissions.

replace the updated system.kext with the old. set correct permissions for it.

and reboot.


can anyone confirm this update method ? i dont wanna mess up my system :)


regards, tom.

i guess its this one: MacOSXUpd10.4.7AMD.pkg


i heard you should backup the system.kext before.

install the update.

repair persmissions.

replace the updated system.kext with the old. set correct permissions for it.

and reboot.


can anyone confirm this update method ? i dont wanna mess up my system :happymac:


regards, tom.


I can confirm that it is the name of the update file.


I have today installed the update successfully. However, I just made a copy of my OSX by the way of Carbon Copy Cloner to another partition and then installed the package without setting any permissions etc. and now it's seems like working.

nice, thanks a lot guys.


Btw, I have come accross the following thread for the update:

Update to 1.4.7 from 10.4.6


There are some information about permissions which you may have to do. I just installed the update and it worked but I still don't know if I have to the the permission thing so I would also be glad if someone clarifies the issue.

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